
USA Constitution Day 2022 Wishes, Quotes

In here you will get USA Constitution Day 2022 Wishes, Happy Constitution Day 2022 Quotes, Constitution Day Activities for School & college. On Celebration Day of Happy Constitution Day 2022, maximum United States people are searching Best Constitution Day 2022 Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Text SMS, Messages, Sayings & One Line Caption for upload a Status on Facebook, Whatsapp & Twitter with #ConstitutionDay hashtag.

It’s Constitution Day, a date which commemorates the formation and the signing of the U.S. constitution on September 17, 1787. The date also recognizes all who are born in the U.S. or by naturalization, have become citizens.

Despite the day being celebrated every year, many Americans still struggle to identify key components of the document governing the country. According to a survey conducted earlier this year by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, only 25 percent of Americans knew how many amendments there are to the U.S. Constitution.

Only 15 percent of those surveyed knew when the U.S. Constitution was written, even on a multiple-choice exam similar to the citizenship exam, with most incorrectly thinking it occurred in 1776. So here is all you need to know about the day:

What is the U.S. constitution?

The U.S. Constitution established America’s national government and fundamental laws, and set out certain basic rights for its citizens.

The United States Constitution was written between May and September 1787. It was signed on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

Delegates put together a plan for a stronger federal government with three branches – executive, legislative and judicial – along with a system of checks and balances.

The Bill of Rights were ten amendments guaranteeing basic individual protections – such as the freedom of speech – that became part of the constitution in 1791.

Let’s Check Happy Constitution Day 2022 Messages

Five facts about the U.S. Constitution

  1. The original Constitution is on display at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
  2. The U.S. Constitution was written in the same Pennsylvania State House where the Declaration of Independence was signed and where George Washington received his commission as Commander of the Continental Army.
  3. The first national “Thanksgiving Day” was originally created by George Washington on November 26, 1789, as a way of “giving thanks” for the Constitution.
  4. At 81, Benjamin Franklin was the oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention.
  5. The Constitution is comprised of a preamble, seven articles and 27 amendments.

Constitution Day Activities

The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia hosts an annual Constitution Day celebration every year. Head to the museum for talks, discussions, craft projects, games, birthday cake and more.

There will also be historical character “meet and greets”, where visitors can interact with famous figures from history, including from the reconstruction period, like Abraham Lincoln. Who said learning couldn’t be fun?

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Try the Constitution Day quiz

The U.S. Constitution was written in 1787 by a group of 55 men with one purpose and many different personalities. Discover which Founding Father you’re most like at the Constitution Center’s online quiz.

Try the voting game

Available on the National Constitution Center’s website, kids can learn all about voting rights throughout history in this online game

USA Constitution Day 2022 Wishes

1. Rejoice in the glory of India and freedom fighters on this republic day. We wish you all A Happy Republic Day and Vande Mataram.

2. Freedom in the mind,
Strength in the words,
Pureness in our blood,
Pride in our souls,
Zeal in our hearts,
Let’s salute our USA on Constitution Day.
Happy Constitution Day 2022!

3. On this special day,
let’s promise our motherland that
we will do everything
to enrich and preserve our heritage
our ethos and our treasure
Happy Constitution Day 2022!

4. Freedom In The Mind,
Strength In The Words,
Pureness In Our Blood,
Pride In Our Souls,
Zeal In Our Hearts,
Let’s Salute Our USA On Constitution Day.
Happy Constitution Day 2022!

5. On this day think of our past and
Try to build better future for all of us.
It is a duty of all of us!!
I am proud to be an American.
Happy Constitution Day 2022

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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