Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Time & Ticket Price 2024

Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train time is very important to know for the passengers of this route. It is a pocket route though, but there are lots of passengers. Mainly, the trains of Dhaka to Dewanganj travel on this route. Because of the facility of traveling to trains, moving becomes very easy for the passengers of Mymensingh to Jamalpur area. It is better to know the time schedule for those who want to travel to this route.
As a result, you will never have to fall into any trouble. For your convenience, we have come up with the Mymensingh to Jamalpur train time after putting a lot of efforts. There will be the time table of the trains, ticket fare, list of the off day, etc. in this article. So let us know all the information quickly about the trains of this short route.
Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train List
There is no separate train from Mymensingh to Jamalpur. Basically, the trains which left from Dhaka have the stoppage at Mymensingh and then go to Jamalpur. As most of the passengers get down at Mymensingh, so there is no problem in getting a seat. The list of the trains that travel to Mymensingh to Jamalpur route is given below in the form of points.
- Teesta Express
- Agnibina Express
- Jamuna Express
- Brahmaputra Express
- Dewanganj Special
For your convenience, we are also providing information about some other trains here so that you can easily travel to these train whenever you want to. Here you go
Dhaka to Sylhet Train Schedule
Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule
Chittagong to Mymensingh Train Schedule
Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Time
There are four trains left from Dhaka station for Jamalpur. All those have a long break in Mymensingh and then go to Jamalpur. These trains maintain the separate schedule for Mymensingh to Jamalpur route. Similarly, there is a long break in Mymensingh also while traveling to Dhaka from Jamalpur.
In order to present the matter simply, we have given the detailed time table here for Mymensingh to Jamalpur route. We have mentioned the separate time table for Mymensingh to Jamalpur and Jamalpur to Mymensingh trains in the schedule that we have given here. Those trains do not have breaks anywhere between these 2 stations.
As the trains do not have any break so the service is like the non-stop train service. It is a great blessing for people of Jamalpur-Mymensingh area even after being a pocket route. So now take a quick look at the train schedules for Mymensingh to Jamalpur and Jamalpur to Mymensingh route here.
Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Schedule |
Time | Train Name | Off Day |
10:23 am | Tista Express | Monday |
12:43pm | Agnibina Express | No off day |
08:20 pm | Jamuna Express | No off day |
09:15 pm | Brahmaputra Express | Monday |
Jamalpur to Mymensingh Train Schedule |
Time | Train Name | Off Day |
03:15am | Jamuna Express | Monday |
07:35am | Brahmaputra Express | No off day |
04:00 pm | Tista Express | No off day |
07:55 pm | Agnibina Express | Monday |
Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price
Though it is a very small route, the passenger of this route can really feel lucky. This is because they are getting the facility of the express trains. There are seats of every class such as Shovon, Shovon Chair, Saingadda, AC in the trains of this route. You can choose any of the seats you like.
If you want to save money, you can get a ticket of Shovon class and if you want to relax, you can easily get the ticket of Snigdha class. And the ticket price is very low compared to the service. We will mention the ticket fare of different classes of all the trains separately. So let us have a look at how much is the ticket fare of which train.
Tista Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon Chair | 65 TK. |
Snigdha | 127 TK. |
Agnibina Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 55 TK. |
First Class Chair | 90 TK. |
Brahmaputra Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 55 TK. |
Shovon Chair | 65 TK. |
Dewanganj Special Ticket Price
- Shovon = 55 TK.
- First Class Chair = 90 TK.
Jamuna Express Ticket Price
- Shovon = 55 TK.
- Shovon Chair= 65 TK.
- First Class Chair = 90 TK.
Where to Get Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Ticket
You can get the Mymensing to Jamalpur train ticket from the railway counter. You also have the opportunity to book your ticket online or through your mobile phone. If you want to book your ticket online, then you can read this article here Bangladesh Railway Ticket Online. And if you want to book your ticket through your mobile phone, then you can read this article here Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking by Mobile Phone.
Final Verdict
It is really unimaginable to have a better train service like this between two districts of divisional town. After getting the full Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Time, we hope no one will miss the train further. We have highlighted everything in details in the review.