
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2024

Only those people who travel to Dhaka-Jamalpur route understand how much it is necessary to know the Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule. It is seen that many people often miss trains due to not knowing the train schedule. Apart from this, a lot of people also face several problems because of the knowledge gap regarding the ticket fare.

Today, our write up is about the train schedule, ticket fares, list of trains, off-days, and everything of Dhaka to Jamalpur route. We have prepared our today’s tutorial on the basis of official information. Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule will make your train travel easier. Take a look at everything of the train of this route.

Dhaka to Jamalpur Train List

There are 4 trains travel to the Dhaka-Jamalpur route one after another every day. All the trains have up travel and down travel every day. The train names on this route are also quite beautiful. We will name all the trains in the form of points for the convenience of understanding for all. This will allow you to easily find your favorite train. Take a look at what trains are there on the Dhaka-Jamalpur route.

  • Teesta Express
  • Augnibina Express
  • Jamuna Express
  • Brahmaputra Express

Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Stoppages

On the way from Dhaka to Jamalpur, trains stop in some places. Because of this, people living near these two regions can also travel by train. However, these frequent stoppages are also annoying for direct passengers. So a list of the stoppages by the trains on Dhaka to Jamalpur route is given below.

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Train name Stoppage Name
Tista Express Airport, Gaforgaon, Mymensingh, Jamalpur
BrahmaputraExpress Airport, Gaforgaon, Mymensingh, Jamalpur
Jamuna Express Joydevpur, Gaforgaon, Mymensingh, Jamalpur
Augnibina Express Airport, Gaforgaon, Mymensingh, Jamalpur

Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule

Trains from Dhaka to Jamalpur follow the train schedule of East Zone Railway. There are 4 trains in this way, so it can be said that there are trains almost the whole day on this route. The problem occurs if there is any issue regarding the departure of any train. So we will give different train schedules for Dhaka to Jamalpur and Jamalpur to Dhaka route. So let us see the full train schedule of Dhaka to Jamalpur route.

Dhaka to Jamalpur train schedule

Time Train Name Off Day
07:30am Tista Express Monday
09:45am Augnibina Express No off day
04:40pm Jamuna Express No off day
06:00pm BrahmaputraExpress Monday

Jamalpur to Dhaka train schedule

Time Train Name Off Day
03:15am Jamuna Express Monday
07:35am BrahmaputraExpress No off day
04:00 pm Tista Express No off day
07:55 pm Augnibina Express Monday

We would like to provide information about some other trains too here as we thought it would be helpful for you. The fact is that we always write this type of informative article to help you with the required information. So you can also read these articles here Dhaka to Narayonganj Train Schedule, Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule.

Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price

There are seats of several classes in all the 4 trains that travel on the Dhaka to Jamalpur route. Ticket fare of each class is different based on different trains. You will get all types of seats in the trains of Dhaka-Jamalpur. Ticket prices of the trains of Dhaka-Jamalpur route are given in different tables below based on different trains.

READ More:  Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking By Mobile SMS (GP/Robi/Banglalink)

However, you can check out these articles to know the ticket price of these trains here Chittagong to Sylhet Train time, Dhaka to Kishoreganj ticket Price.

Tista Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 190TK.
First Class Seat 255TK.
Ac Seat 437TK.
Snigdha 368TK.

Augnibina Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160TK.
Shovon Chair 190TK.
First Class Seat 255TK.
First Class Chair 255TK.

Brahmaputra Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160TK.
Shovon Chair 190TK.
First Class Chair 255TK.

Dewanganj Special Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160TK.
First Class Chair 255TK.

Jamuna Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160TK.
Shovon Chair 190TK.
First Class Seat 255TK.
First Class Chair 255TK.

Final Words

The schedule we have provided in the Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule is 100 percent authentic. This is because we have collected all the information from railway official apps and websites. Hopefully, everyone will be benefited from our provided information regarding the train schedule and fare list.

Moreover, you can also have a look at these articles here Subarna Express Train Schedule, Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Schedule.

Finally, if you want to know more about Bangladesh railway online ticket booking system or mobile SMS ticket booking system then you can read these articles here Railway Tickets Booking by Mobile Phone, Bangladesh Railway Tickets Online.

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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