Happy Mother’s day Bangla SMS, Quotes | Happy Mothers Day 2024

Happy Mother’s day Bangla SMS, Quotes | Happy Mothers Day 2024. Mother is the most respected and loving person in the world. There is no comparison of a mother’s love with that of anyone. There is no one to take the place like the mother in this world. Everyone loves their mother more than their life. ‘Mother’s Day’ in the world is celebrated because of that kind-hearted person.
Everyone likes to surprise their mother by sending all the great SMS, quotes on Mother’s Day. Sending a nice SMS and quotes to express love to mother is an excellent way. We have come up with all the great SMS and quote collections for those who cannot write Mother’s Day SMS on their own. So let us take a look at our collections.
Happy Mothers Day 2024
Mother’s Day is celebrated to honor all Mothers and express gratitude for the hardship they bear in beginning up a child. Most of the countries celebrate Mothers day on the second Sunday of May. Mother day came into being due to the efforts made by Ms. Julia ward howe and Ms. Anna Jarvis. The resolution for having a dedicated Mother’s Day was signed by us President Woodrow Wilson on May 08, 1914.
Since celebrating mothers day with joy and devotion. In Bangladesh, Mothers day is celebrated on the second Sunday of the month of May. In observance of the day, discussion programs are organized by government and non-government organization is organized to mark the day in the capital city.
Mother’s Day Bangla SMS
Who does not want to wish his/her mother by sending SMS? With good or normal SMS, certainly, everyone wants to wish their mother. But not everybody is capable enough to write SMS. Those who cannot write SMS themselves can send SMS to their mothers from our Mother’s Day SMS Collections.
- Everything in the world can be changed, but the mother’s love never changes…!!
- ** The world is very difficult, everyone leaves everyone, everyone forgets everyone, there is just only one person who does not leave or forget. And who will be there always for you… She is… ‘mother’.
৩। * ভালোবাস তাকে…যার কারনে পৃথিবী দেখেছো…. ।।ভালোবাস তাকে…।।যে তোমাকে ১০ মাস ১০ দিন গর্ভে রেখেছে…. ।। ভালোবাস তাকে…যার পা এর নিচে তোমার জান্নাত আছে…. ।।তিনি হলেন….মা…
৪। প্রথমস্পর্শ “মা”।
প্রথমপাওয়া “মা”।
প্রথমশব্দ “মা”।
প্রথমদেখা “মা”।
আমার জান্নাত তুমি “মা”
৫।মা জননী চোখের মনি, অসিম তোমারদান.,’ খোদার পরে তোমার আসন আসমানের সমান.. ত্রিভুবনে তোমার মত হয়না কারো মান, **HAPPY~Mother’s~DAY*
- Mother never becomes unknown no matter how many storms come in life. “Love of another person may be deceitful, but the mother’s love can’t be compared to anything in the world. I LOVE YOU” Ma “.
- The biggest happiness in the world is to wipe out the tears by the saree ends of the mother, and the biggest pain is to see tears on the mother’s eye …
- Jar lolater oi sidurniyevorerrobiuthe… altaranga payer choyayroktokomolfote. Sei je amar ma, jar hoynatulona.
৯।মায়ের কথা পড়লে মনে আকুল হয়ে কাঁদি,
মা যে আমার আশীর্বাদের দিব্য প্রদীপ ভাতী।
শুভ মা দিবস!
- ‘Mom’ a very little word, but always remember-
There is no name sweetest than this in the world.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day Quote 2024
There are lots of quotes regarding Mother’s Day. Some of the quotes from those are presented to you below.
১।একটি মাত্র অক্ষরে সে একটি বড়ো শব্দ। যা না হলে পৃথিবীটা হয়ে যেতো স্তব্ধ। যার মহিমা লিখলে লিখতে হবে কতলাইন, হবে হাজার হাজার শ্লোক! জানো তুমি শব্দটা কি? তাতে কতো মিষ্টি? তোমার নিকট তা কত প্রিয় ইস্টি?সে শব্দটি সবার চেনা, সবার জানা শোনা। আর সে শব্দটি হল পৃথিবীর মধুরতম শব্দ ‘মা’।
- Sokaldupurratribela, peyechisobarobohela.
Ma je amarshresthobondhu, mayerkolesukhersindhu.
৩। “মাকে তুই কষ্ট দিয়ে,করিস নারে ভুল¤
“মা হারালে হারাবি তুই,আল্লা হরাসুল¤
“তুই যতই পারস,মার যত্ন সেবা কর¤
“মা তখন হবে আপন যখন সবাই হবে পর¤
- Everyone on earth will love you,
In that love there is somehow hiding any necessity.
But there is one person who will love you
Without any reason and
She is the “mother”.
MA Dibosh 2024
Maa dibosh is a very significant day for all child in the world. On maa dibosh or mother’s day peoples like to share mother’s day message or like to upload their facebook status with significant mother’s day bangla facebook status. Mother is space for all caring. So mother’s day bears a significant feeling to all. We have stored Ma dibosh unique message &; Bangla Fb status 2024. In addition check here also Maa dibosh unique message 2024, Maa dibosh Bangla Fb status 2024, Mothers day Bangla Facebook status 2024, Maa dibosh new message 2024, Maa dibosh bangla latest message, Maa dibosh special message for mother 2024, Maa dibosh new cute message for sister 2024, maa k niye bangla facebook status.
maa! tumi amar ak prithibi
onno prithibir mosrin poth’o tumi..
maa dibosher shuvechcha!
maa! shokal-shondhe-raat tumi ghire
royecho j amar charipash jure
tomar hath dhorei koishor-shoishob .. amar ononto jatra!
৫।মা জননী চোখের মনি,অসিম তোমার দান.,
‘খোদার পরে তোমার আসন আসমানের সমান…
ত্রিভুবনে তোমার মত হয়না কারো মান…
- There is no alternative to mother on earth. The only alternative to the mother is ‘Mother’.
- When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know. “-Charley Benetto
- “Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there is no heartthrob. “-Leroy Brownlow
- “Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together. “-Susan Gale
- “Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.”
Final Verdict
Wish your mother on this Mother’s Day. Surprise your mother by sending our excellent SMS and quotes. And take care of your mother every day, every moment.fa