21 February pic, WallPapers, HD Images, Picture Drawing 2024

21 February pic, Wallpapers , HD Images, Picture Drawing 2024. We have come up with all the nice images collections so that you can easily wish your loved ones with those sweet images on the language day. Download our images and wish all. Take a look at our image collection at a glance.
With their long and rich literary tradition, Bengalis (bangal-i, when pronounced with a normal Bengali accent and you get our subtle pun) have striven since ages to amalgamate a culturally and geographically diverse region. In 1952, when Bangladesh used to be East Pakistan, this strong sense of identity led to the Bengali Language Movement in which several people braved bullets and died martyrs on February 21.
21 February Wallpaper 2024
Bengali people have been recognized as a day of painful and magnificent memory of language movement. On this day of 1952 (8 Falgun, 1358) some youths were killed by police. They were protesting to make Bangla language as official language of east Bangladesh. So this day is marked as Shaheed Day.
On the day of 1952, the people of all of Bengal (then East Pakistan) demanded statehood, and the people of all ages came out on the streets by ignorance of section 144 and administration of the ruling party.
21 February pic HD Free Download
Salam, Jabbar, Shafiq, Barkat and Rafiq were martyred when the police fired on the procession of the student-crowd protesting against the Pakistani government’s strong movement for establishing mother’s language.
In the struggle for establishing the rights of mother language, the Ekushey February was the first resistance of the Bengalis against the colonial rule and the spirit of the rulers, and the first expedition of Bengali national consciousness on the basis of language.
21 February Drawing Image
In exchange for the blood of language martyrs, the Bengali nation got the status of ‘mother language’ as well as in the political and socio-economic development of the new motivation. This is the beginning of the independence movement of Bengal and the great liberation war of 1971. The next nine months of the armed forces against the Pakistani armed forces are added to the map of the world through a newly independent country – ‘Bangladesh’
Bangla in the present world
Currently, Bengali is the national and official language of Bangladesh and one of the 23 official languages recognized by the Republic of India. It is the official language of the states of West Bengal and Tripura. It is a major language in the Indian union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which incidentally saw a lot of settlement post-1947 migration. Bangla was made an official language of Sierra Leone in order to honour the Bangladeshi peacekeeping force from the United Nations stationed there. It is also the co-official language of Assam, which has three predominantly Sylheti-speaking districts of southern Assam – Cachar, Karimganj, and Hailakandi.
Ekushe February Pictures

On 21 February, Martyr Day or International Mother Language Day will be held on Thursday. The United Nations initiative will celebrate the day in honor of the language martyrs in Bangladesh and the whole world.
21 February HD Images
Since the recognition of the International, Mother Language Day in recognition of the great Ekushey in 1999, the UN Education, Science, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has celebrated the International Day for the last few years.
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