
Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule 2024, Ticket Booking Price

Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule, Ticket Booking Price details in here. Train is the most comfortable way of travelling.Everyday a huge number of people travel by train. Train is the way of comfortable travelling as well as less costly. That’s why people search for train ticket at the time of travelling from here to there. But people miss train just because of unknowing of the train schedule.

Maximum train of our country tries to maintain the time schedule strictly. Today we will be writing about time schedule of train and as well as the ticket price. So,let’s have Knowledge about Bangladesh railway timing and fare. Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule and Bangladesh railway ticket price is given as per the railway’s official declaration.


Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule 2024

Bangladesh railway has operation of intercity and international route. Intercity moves around the County and International train just move to India. We will know about both.

Intercity Train schedule

There are several train available from Dhaka City. Bangladesh Railway intercity train has operation under two schedules.  We will let you know both of those details. The two zones are: amar sonar bangla

1.East zone

2.West zone

Intercity Train schedule
passengers are at rail station at dhaka

Bangladesh East Zone Train Schedule

Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule, East zone means the Eastern part or the country. Trains moving under this zone maintain right time schedule. Those time are written below.

Dhaka-Chittagong-Dhaka train timing

This route has 6 different train moving .their time is like below:

Dhaka to Chittagong

Time Train Name
07:00am Sonar bangla
07:45am MohanagarProvati
01:00pm Chattala Express
03:00pm Subarna Express
09:00pm Mohanagar Express
11:30pm Turna Express

Chittagong to Dhaka

Time Train Name
07:00am Subarna Express
08:15am Chattala Express
12:30pm Mohanagar Express
03:00pm MOhanagarGudhuli
05:00pm Sonar bangla
11:00pm Turna Express

Dhaka-Sylhet-Dhaka Train Schedule

4 different trains move around dhaka- sylhet-dhaka. They carries same name from the two point of the county and move. The schedule is given in the list.

Dhaka to Sylhet

Time Train Name
06:35am Parabat Express
12:00pm Joyenteeka
04:00pm Kalni Express
09:50pm Upaban Express

Sylhet to Dhaka

Time Train Name
07:00am Kalni Express
08:40am Joyenteeka
03:00pm Parabat Express
10:00pm Upaban Express

Dhaka-Noakhali-Dhaka Train Schedule

Every day Dhaka-Noakhali-Dhaka route has one train moving.the details is given below:

Dhaka to Noakhali

Time Train Name
03:20pm Upakul Express

Noakhali to Dhaka

Time Train Name
06:00am Upakul Express

Dhaka-Kishoreganj-Dhaka Train Schedule

Dhaka to Kishoreganj to Dhaka, this route has different 3 trains and their departure time is:

Dhaka to Kishoreganj

Time Train Name
07:15am EgaroSindurProvati
10:35am Kishoreganj Express
06:40pm EgaroSindurGodhuli

Kishoreganj to Dhaka

Time Train Name
06:50am EgaroSinurProvati
12:30pm EgaroSindurGodhuli
02:40 Kishorganj Express

Dhaka-Jamalpur-Dhaka Schedule

Dhaka- Jamalpur has 4 trains,few of those age cross via Mymensingh.Schedule is given below:

Dhaka to Jamalpur

Time Train Name
07:30am Tista Express
09:45am Augnibina Express
04:40pm Jamuna Express
06:00pm Brahmaputra

Jamalpur to Dhaka

Time Train Name
03:15am Jamuna Express
07:35am Brahmaputra
04:00 pm Tista Express
07:55 pm Augnibina Express

Dhaka-Mymensing-Dhaka Train Schedule

Though the distance is few,Dhaka Mymensingh route has 6 trains reserved for. Their departure schedule is listed below.

READ More:  Dhaka to Noakhali Train Time Schedule and Ticket Price 2024

Dhaka to Mymensing

Time Train Name
07:30 am Tista Express
09:45am Augnibina Express
02:20 pm Mohonganj Express
04:40 pm Jamuna Express
06:00 pm Brahmaputra
11:50 pm Haowr Express

Mymensing to Dhaka

Time Train Name
03:02 am Mohonganj Express
04:35 am Jamuna Express
09:10 am Brahmaputra
11:00 am Haowr Express
05:10 pm Tista Express
07:15 pm Augnibina Express

Dhaka-Netrokona-Dhaka Train Schedule

Dhaka- Netrokona has 2 trains and their time is mentioned.

Dhaka to Netrokona

Time Train Name
02:20 pm Mohonganj Express
11:50 pm Haowr Express

Dhaka-Narayonganj-Dhaka Train Schedule

Dhaka- Narayanganj route has commuter train.All over the whole day,several trainsdepart. Schedule of them are given:

Dhaka to Narayonganj

Time Train Name
06:00 am Narayonganj Commuter
06:45 am Narayonganj Commuter
08:20 am Narayonganj Commuter
10:35 am Narayonganj Commuter
12:30 pm Narayonganj Commuter
01:40 pm Narayonganj Commuter
03:00 pm Narayonganj Commuter
04:20 pm Narayonganj Commuter
05:45 pm Narayonganj Commuter
06:30 pm Narayonganj Commuter
07:45 pm Narayonganj Commuter
08:55 pm Narayonganj Commuter
09:50 pm Narayonganj Commuter

Narayanganj to Dhaka

Time Train Name
07:00 am Narayonganj Commuter
07:55 am Narayonganj Commuter
09:20 am Narayonganj Commuter
12:15 pm Narayonganj Commuter
01:40 pm Narayonganj Commuter
02:45 pm Narayonganj Commuter
04:20 pm Narayonganj Commuter
05:20 pm Narayonganj Commuter
06:45 pm Narayonganj Commuter
07:50 pm Narayonganj Commuter
08:45 pm Narayonganj Commuter
10:05 pm Narayonganj Commuter
10:50 pm Narayonganj Commuter

Chittagong-Sylhet-Chittagong Train Schedule

Two different train has joined Chittagong and Sylhet. Departure time of those are given:

Chittagong to Sylhet

Time Train Name
09:00 am Paharika Express
09:45 pm Udayon

Sylhet to Chittaong

Time Train Name
10:15 am Paharika Express
09:20 pm Udayan

Chittagong-Mymensing-Chittagong Train Schedule

Chittagong-Mymensingh route has a train named Bijoy.The schedule of bijoy has been given.

Chittagong to Mymensing

Time Train Name
07:20 am Bijoy Express

Mymensing to Chittagong

Time Train Name
08:00 pm Bijoy Express

Bangladesh West Zone Train Schedule

Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule, The west zone means the rail communication system of west side of Jamuna bridge. We will be providing now the trains operated in the west part of the Count.

Dhaka-Rajshahi-Dhaka Train Schedule

Dhaka-Rajshahi-Dhaka,In this route there are several 3 trains with several departure time which is mentioned in the table.

Dhaka to Rajshahi

Time Train Name
06:00 am Dhumkatu Express
02:40 pm Silkcity
11:10 pm Padma Express

Rajshahi to Dhaka

Time Train Name
07:40 am Silkcity Express
04:00 pm Padma
11:20 pm Dhumkatu Express

Dhaka-Khulna-Dhaka Train Schedule

The Southern part Khulna,two trains have been booked for that particular area and the schedule is given below

Dhaka to Khulna

Time Train Name
06:20 am Sundarban Express
07:00 pm Chitra

Khulna to Dhaka

Time Train Name
08:40 am Chitra
08:30 pm Sundarban Express

Dhaka-Lalmanirhat-Dhaka Train Schedule

Dhaka-Lalmanirhat,only one train moves around every from each station.The departure time is given below:

Dhaka to Lalmanirhat

Time Train Name
10:10 pm Lalmoni Express

Lalmanirhat to Dhaka

Time Train Name
10:40 am Lalmoni Express

Dhaka-Panchagarah-Dhaka Train Schedule

The Northern part of the country is Panchaghar.Different two trains moves here and there.

Dhaka to Panchagarah

Time Train Name
10:00 am Ekota Express
08:00 pm Drutajan Express

Panchagarah to Dhaka

Time Train Name
07:20 am Drutajan Express
09:00 pm Ekota Express

Dhaka-Rangpur-Dhaka Train Schedule

Only one train has been reserved for Rangpur, and that ups and downs.Time is:

Dhaka to Rangpur

Time Train Name
09:00 am Rangpur express

Rangpur to Dhaka

Time Train Name
08:00 pm Rangpur express

Dhaka-Darshana-Dhaka Train Schedule

Basically, Darshana is a substation and only one train arrives there.The time of the departure is :

Dhaka to Darshana

Time Train Name
06:20 am Sundarban Express

Darshana to Dhaka

Time Train Name
11:01 am Chitra

Dhaka-Joypurhat-Dhaka Train Schedule

There are 3 several trains for joypurhat.Time schedule are like Below:

Dhaka to Joypurhat

Time Train Name
08:00 am Nelsagore Express
10:00 am Ekota Express
08:00 pm Drutajan Express

Joypurhat to Dhaka

Time Train Name
01:13 am Ekota Express
11:34 am Drutojan Express

Rajshahi-Khulna-Rajshahi Train Schedule

Different two train has joint Rajshahi-khulna.The departure time of those are given below.

Rajshahi to Khulna

Time Train Name
06:40 am Shagor Dari Express
02:15 pm Kopotakkha Express

Khulna to Dhaka

Time Train Name
06:30 am Kopotakkha Express
04:00 pm Shahor Dari Express
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International train time schedule:

Two different international train moves from Bangladesh.Different time schedule has been mentioned of those two trains. These two trains also run in reverse road. Therefore, Kolakta to Dhaka or Khulna is also available. These trains are: Maitree Express & Bandhan Express.

Maitree Express time schedule
Passengers leave the Kolkata-Dhaka Maitree Express after its arrival at the Kolkata station in Kolkata.

Dhaka-Kolkata-Dhaka Trains Schedule

Moitree train moves across Dhaka-kolkata.Time schedule is like this:

Dhaka to Kolkata

Day Time
Saturday 08:15 am
Sunday 08:15 am
Wednesday 08:15 am
Friday 08:15 am

Kolkata To Dhaka

Day Time
Saturday 07:10 am
Monday 07:10 am
Tuesday 07:10 am
Friday 07:10 am

Khulna-Kolkata-Khulna Train Schedule

Bandhan Express has newly started its service from Khulna to Kolkata. The Schedule of this train like as –

Bandhan Express

From Khulna 01:20 pm
From Kolkata 07:10 am

Bangladesh Railway Ticket Price

We have talked about schedule, now we will be discussing about the fare of trains.Please have a look at the fare chart of Intercity train.

Dhaka-Chittagong-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Dhaka- Chittagong- Dhaka route has different 6 trains.Fare of each sitting arrangement has been given below.

Chattala Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 175
First Class Seat 450

Subarna Express Ticket Price

Subarna Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 380
Snigdha 725

Mohanagar Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 345
Snigdha 656
AC Berth 1229


Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 345
First Class Seat 460
Ac Seat 788
Snigdha 656

Sonar Bangla Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 600
First Class Seat 800
Ac Seat 1100
Snigdha 1000

Turna Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 345
Snigdha 656
First Class Berth 735
AC Berth 1229

Dhaka-Sylhet-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

The fare of train has been mentioned of Dhaka-Sylhet- Dhaka route.

Parabat Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 320
First Class Seat 425
Ac Seat 736
Snigdha 610

Kalni Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 265
Shovon Chair 320
First Class Chair 425

Joyenteeka Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 265
Shovon Chair 320
First Class Seat 425
Ac Seat 736
First Class Chair 425

Upaban Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 265
Shovon Chair 320
First Class Chair 425
First Class Berth 690
AC Berth 1149

Dhaka-Noakhali-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Dhaka-Noakhali route has only one train which has several seat types. The fare and types of seat are written in the table.

Upakul Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 230
Shovon Chair 275
First Class Seat 365
Ac Seat 637

Dhaka-Kishoreganj-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

This is the shortest route,and train has different types of sittings arrangement. Every seat fare is given in the table below

Kishoreganj Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 125
Shovon Chair 150
First Class Seat 200
Snigdha 288

EgaroSindur Provati Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 125
Shovon Chair 150
First Class Seat 200
First Class Chair 200

EgaroSindur Godhuli Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 125
Shovon Chair 150
First Class Seat 200
First Class Chair 200

Dhaka-Jamalpur-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Different kinds of seat fare of this route is given

Tista Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 190
First Class Seat 255
Ac Seat 437
Snigdha 368

Augnibina Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160
Shovon Chair 190
First Class Seat 255
First Class Chair 255

Brahmaputra Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160
Shovon Chair 190
First Class Chair 255

Dewanganj Special Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160
First Class Chair 255

Jamuna Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 160
Shovon Chair 190
First Class Seat 255
First Class Chair 255

Dhaka-Mymensing-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Train moves Frequently in this route,and the fare is almost the same.Hence,we are mentioning the fare in the table.

Tista Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 140
First Class Seat 185
Ac Seat 322
Snigdha 271

Mohanganj Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 120
Shovon Chair 140
Snigdha 271

Augnibina Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 120
First Class Seat 185
First Class Chair 185
READ More:  Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking By Mobile SMS (GP/Robi/Banglalink)

Brahmaputra Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 120
Shovon Chair 140

Dewanganj Special Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 120
First Class Chair 185

Haowr Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 120
Shovon Chair 140

Jamuna Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 120
Shovon Chair 140
First Class Seat 185
First Class Chair 185

Dhaka-Netrokona-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

In the two-separate train,different kinds of sitting arrangement are there.The fare is like:

Mohanganj Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 165
Shovon Chair 195
First Class Seat 260
Snigdha 374

Haowra Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 165
Shovon Chair 195

Dhaka-Narayonganj-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Commuter train moves over this rout. The fare is like below

Narayangonj Commuter Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Sulov 15

Chittagong-Sylhet-Chittagong Train Ticket Price


Various types seats are here in the two separates train. Different seat fare is listed in the table.

Paharika Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 315
Shovon Chair 375
First Class Seat 500
Snigdha 719
Class Seat Fare
Shovon 315
Shovon Chair 375
Snigdha 719
First Class Berth 795

Chittagong-Mymensing-Chittagong Train Ticket Price

This route has gone up in the middle of the country’s map. Although this route has only one train, but this has variety of seats.

Bijoy Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 320
Shovon Chair 385
First Class Seat 515
First Class Chair 515

Dhaka-Rajshahi-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Rajshahi native people may think train fare is a bit high.The fare list of the moving trains in this route has been given below

Dhumkatu Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 340
Ac Seat 782
Snigdha 656

Silkcity Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 340
Ac Seat 782
Snigdha 656

Padma Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 340
Snigdha 656
AC Berth 1223

Dhaka-Khulna-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

People faces few problems of the train fare of Dhaka-Khulna route,that’s why just to solve their problem,the fare list has been mentioned.

Chitra Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 505
Snigdha 966
AC Berth 1781

Nnto Nogor Sundarban Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 505
Ac Seat 1156
Snigdha 966

Dhaka-Lalmanirhat-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

There only one train,but it has serving several types of seats. Seats category and the fare has been shown in a table below.

Lalmoni Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 420
Shovon Chair 505
First Class Chair 675
First Class Berth 1060
AC Berth 1781

Dhaka-Panchagarah-Dhaka Train Ticket price

 This is the longest route,so the price is also high. Each and everyseat fare has been noted off.

Drutajan Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 550
Snigdha 1053
First Class Berth 1145
AC Berth 1942

Ekota Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 550
First Class Seat 730
Ac Seat 1260
Snigdha 1053

Dhaka-Rangpur-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Dhaka- Rangpur- Dhaka ticket fare has been mentioned over here

Rangpur Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 505
Ac Seat 1162
Snigdha 966

Dhaka- Darshana-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

The train fare of popular route amongst tourists has been given below

Sundarban Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 400

Dhaka-Joypurhat-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Instead of very few differences of train seat in this route,we are showing the fare list.

Nelsagore Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 390
Snigdha 742

Dinajpur SPL Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 325
Shovon Chair 390
First Class Berth 825

Drutajan Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 390
Snigdha 742

Ekota Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 390
First Class Seat 515
Snigdha 742

Rajshahi-Khulna-Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

There are two trains available in this route with three categories of seats.Weare showing all of them with fare in a table.

Shagor Dari Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 310
Ac Seat 708
Snigdha 593

Kopotakho Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 310
Snigdha 593

Dhaka-Kolkata Train Ticket Price

Dhaka-Kolkata’s Moitree train ticket fare has been mentioned below:

Moitree Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Ac Chair 2500 taka
Ac Cabin 3400 taka

Kolkata-Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Moitree Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Ac Chair 1345 Rs
Ac Cabin 2015 Rs

Khulna-Kolkata Train Ticket Price

Khulna-Kolkata Train fare are given below.

Bandhan Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Ac Chair 1500 bdt
Ac Cabin 2000 bdt

Bandhan Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Ac Chair 310 Rs
Ac Cabin 1165 Rs

BD Train tracker

Sometime, some trains are delayed to leave or reach according to Bangladesh Railway schedule (especially in the western area of Bangladesh Railway). During the Eid holidaysEid ul Azha and  Eid ul Fitr , there is more disruption of train schedule due to the pressure of passengers. If the train doesn’t come according to BD train schedule, you can know the status of the late train from you mobile through the BD train tracker.

Final verdict

Hope you all have got all the information about train schedule and ticket price. Moreover, we hope you won’t have any problem in travelling by train with the help of this database.Mentioned data above about Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule and Bangladesh railway ticket price are 100% accurate.

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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