Rangamati Iftar and Sehri Time Today

Today 14 March, Friday iftar is 06:04 PM in Rangamati. The holy month of Ramadan is right around the corner and the Rangamati Sehri Iftar time 2024 is the most talked about the topic right now in the Muslim community. Everyone wants to take part in the Sawm and get more blessings from the almighty Allah. If you don’t know the Sehri and Iftar times, then you don’t need to worry about it. We have prepared a table with all the information you have to know about the Sehri and Iftar times.


Date Sahri Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
14 March, Friday 04:42 AM 04:48 AM 06:01 AM 12:04 PM 04:19 PM 06:04 PM 07:17 PM

Rangamati Iftar and Sehri Time 2024


Ramadan is one of the holiest periods of the entire year for Muslims across the world and everyone is searching for Rangamati Sehri and Iftar time 2024. It is a month of blessing as Allah gives more rewards and blessings to those who take part in the Sawm and fast from sunrise till sunset for the satisfaction of the Almighty Allah. 

But the time of Sehri and Iftar is very precise and knowing about the exact time of those periods can help you out a lot in planning your entire day. Luckily, the information is available for every Muslim and the time schedule is accurate as it’s decided by the top Islamic scholars across the world.


Ramadan Date Day Sahri Fajr Maghrib Iftar
10 Days: Mercy of Allah
1 12 Mar Tue 04:44 AM 04:50 AM 06:03 PM 06:03 PM
2 13 Mar Wed 04:43 AM 04:49 AM 06:03 PM 06:03 PM
3 14 Mar Thu 04:42 AM 04:48 AM 06:04 PM 06:04 PM
4 15 Mar Fri 04:41 AM 04:47 AM 06:04 PM 06:04 PM
5 16 Mar Sat 04:40 AM 04:46 AM 06:04 PM 06:04 PM
6 17 Mar Sun 04:39 AM 04:45 AM 06:05 PM 06:05 PM
7 18 Mar Mon 04:38 AM 04:44 AM 06:05 PM 06:05 PM
8 19 Mar Tue 04:37 AM 04:43 AM 06:05 PM 06:05 PM
9 20 Mar Wed 04:36 AM 04:42 AM 06:06 PM 06:06 PM
10 21 Mar Thu 04:35 AM 04:41 AM 06:06 PM 06:06 PM
10 Days: Forgiveness of Allah
11 22 Mar Fri 04:34 AM 04:40 AM 06:06 PM 06:06 PM
12 23 Mar Sat 04:33 AM 04:39 AM 06:07 PM 06:07 PM
13 24 Mar Sun 04:32 AM 04:38 AM 06:07 PM 06:07 PM
14 25 Mar Mon 04:30 AM 04:36 AM 06:08 PM 06:08 PM
15 26 Mar Tue 04:29 AM 04:35 AM 06:08 PM 06:08 PM
16 27 Mar Wed 04:28 AM 04:34 AM 06:08 PM 06:08 PM
17 28 Mar Thu 04:27 AM 04:33 AM 06:09 PM 06:09 PM
18 29 Mar Fri 04:25 AM 04:31 AM 06:09 PM 06:09 PM
19 30 Mar Sat 04:24 AM 04:30 AM 06:09 PM 06:09 PM
20 31 Mar Sun 04:23 AM 04:29 AM 06:10 PM 06:10 PM
10 Days: Safety from the Hellfire
21 01 Apr Mon 04:22 AM 04:28 AM 06:10 PM 06:10 PM
22 02 Apr Tue 04:21 AM 04:27 AM 06:11 PM 06:11 PM
23 03 Apr Wed 04:20 AM 04:26 AM 06:11 PM 06:11 PM
24 04 Apr Thu 04:19 AM 04:25 AM 06:12 PM 06:12 PM
25 05 Apr Fri 04:18 AM 04:24 AM 06:12 PM 06:12 PM
26 06 Apr Sat 04:17 AM 04:23 AM 06:13 PM 06:13 PM
27 07 Apr Sun 04:16 AM 04:22 AM 06:13 PM 06:13 PM
28 08 Apr Mon 04:15 AM 04:21 AM 06:14 PM 06:14 PM
29 09 Apr Tue 04:14 AM 04:20 AM 06:14 PM 06:14 PM
30 10 Apr Wed 04:13 AM 04:19 AM 06:15 PM 06:15 PM

Rangamati District Sehri Time

We have included the Rangamati District Sehri Time in our chart. As you know, Sehri is the meal before sunrise and it’s the last meal allowed for Sawm before a person has to stop eating and drinking for the rest of the day. Eating Sehri is also Sunnah and comes with a lot of blessings. So, it holds a big weight in the entire act of Sawm.

However, if you know the time for Sehri, you’ll be able to plan out your meal at the midnight. It’ll make your life so much easier as midnight is an odd time to have a meal. But with the Sehri time in hand, you’ll be able to prepare well and have a blissful meal that will energize you for the rest of the day. In our table, we have included the Rangamati District Sehri time so that you can have it right in front of you for your convenience. 


Rangamati District Iftar Time

Our table chart contains all the details aboutRangamati District Iftar time. Iftar is the act of breaking the fast at a certain time of the evening. It’s right before sunset and a Muslim can safely break his fasting, eat and drink at his heart’s content during that period. It’s undoubtedly one of the best moments of the day and the Almighty Allah promises to provide huge blessings to those who fasted the entire to satisfy him. 

Knowing the Iftar time can help you prepare beforehand, and that can come in handy in the month of Ramadan. You can take a look at the table that we have provided to learn about all the Rangamati District Iftar time and keep yourself prepared. 

Rangamati Sehri Last Time Today

Knowing the accurate Rangamati Sehri last time today is vital in the month of Ramadan. You might already know that the time of Sunrise is not fixed and it changes every day. Similarly to that, the Sehri time changes as well, and it’s very important to keep up with this change so that you don’t risk breaking your Sawm mistakenly. 

Today Sehri Last time: 04:42 AM

You can use our table to check out the Rangamati Sehri last time today as you’ll find the accurate Sehri time for all the days in Ramadan. That will help you keep track of the most accurate and reliable time for the entire month.

Rangamati Iftar Time Today

As we mentioned in the previous segment, the Sehri time changes every day and that rule also applies for Rangamati Iftar time today. You should keep yourself updated with the latest Iftar time every day. Luckily, you’ll find the accurate time for Iftar laid out on the table so that you can easily see the Rangamati Iftar time today and prepare well for the blissful meal after the long fasting period.

Feel free to pray to Allah and ask him for anything before Iftar as he promises to hear the prayers of the obedient. Our iftar time schedule will help you do that perfectly.

Last word

Now, you should have the schedule and exact time of Sehri and Iftar as you just went through our schedule table. Make sure to use that information to plan out your day thoroughly.

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