Happy National Radio Day Quotes, Messages & Images – 20 August 2022

Happy National Radio Day Quotes & Messages for 20 August 2022. National Radio Day is celebrated on August 20 every year, to celebrate radio as a medium of entertainment and information and the mode of communication.
August 20th is National Radio Day, a day to tune in the radio station you enjoy listening the most and have some wonderful musical time. Remind your family and friends of this special day with Radio Day quotes and wishes to share with them. Send them beautiful National Radio Day greetings, pictures and photos with messages.
We bring to you the newest and the most awesome Happy National Radio Day messages to share. Have these wishes, quotes shared on Facebook, WhatsApp with one and all.
- 71% More than two-thirds of people surveyed listen to the radio in their car.
- 67% Two-out-of-three people surveyed listen to the radio every single day!
- 48% Nearly one-in-two love to sing along to the radio.
Happy National Radio Day 2022
Greetings on National Radio Day. I congratulate all radio lovers and those who work in the radio industry & keep the medium active & vibrant. Adapting to 21st century changes and offering new ways to interact and participate, Radio is still the most dynamic, reactive and engaging medium.
The origins of this U.S. holiday have been murky. NPR first mentioned it in 2011, and it first hit my radar in 2012. HolidayInsights.com says that National Radio Day was first proposed by a group of DJs in the 1990s. It’s been suggested that August 20th was chosen because that’s the date in 1920 when Detroit’s first commercial station 8MK–now WWJ–went on the air.
Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindless. – Steve Allen
In radio, you have two tools. Sound and silence. – Ira Glass
The power of radio is not that it speaks to millions, but that it speaks intimately and privately to each one of those millions. – Hallie Flanagan
Happy Radio Day Messages
1). No matter how forward the technology gets, there is some other kind of pleasure listening to radio… Wishing you a very Happy National Radio Day.
2). Whether you are driving a car or cooking something in kitchen, radio is a friend which is always there with you to make every moment a special one…. Happy National Radio Day.
3). The most perfect way to relax simultaneously when you work is by listening to radio as you do your work…. Warm wishes on National Radio Day.
4). The most amazing thing about radio is the surprise that it brings along while playing music, the mood it sets in…. A very Happy National Radio Day.
5). Radios will always be the most special invention by man as it is like a friend which stays with you all the times…. Warm greetings on National Radio Day to you.
6). On the occasion of National Radio Day, I wanted to send you a reminder to turn on your favourite radio station and enjoy some good music.
7). The spontaneity of radio jockey, the surprise collection of songs suiting the mood of the weather will always be loved things about radio…. Happy National Radio Day.
8). On National Radio Day, let us enjoy the music and goodness of radios which make it an outstanding thing in this world…. Warm wishes on National Radio Day.
9). Have a musical, melodious and wonderful National Radio Day my dear…. Today is the day to just relax and enjoy radio to make this day a beautiful one.
10). National Radio Day will always remind of the one who invented this device that is like a companion in good and bad, happy and sad times… Happy National Radio Day.
National Radio Day Quotes
National Radio Day’s celebration is to raise awareness of the importance of wireless and to create opportunities for access to information. Highlighting the importance of the day, the government, Bangladesh wireless and private radio stations of the country have taken detailed programs for promoting special programs.
In his statement, the President said that Bangladesh radio has been playing an important role in creating public awareness on various national issues, including promoting education, entertainment and informational programs.
Thinking your passion, love for your Radio, I am here with best Happy National Radio Day Quotes & Messages for you.
More than eighty years after the world’s first station was founded, radio is still the most pervasive, accessible, affordable, and flexible mass medium available, especially in the developing world. – Bruce Girard
Community radios provide profound new opportunities for more inclusive sustainable development. – Denise Gray-Felder
Radio pluralism is an essential component in the deepening of the democratic process. – Bamako Declaration on Radio Pluralism
Combining social media and local radio is also a chance to strengthen community participation, especially of marginalised groups. – DW Akademie
The internet creates more of an appetite for media – it doesn’t replace physical books, radio or TV. – Marissa Mayer
Exponential growth in access to the Internet, satellite television and radio, cell phones, and P.D.A.’s means that breaking news now reaches virtually every corner of the globe. – Dee Dee Myers
Radio on the Internet is yet another world-shrinking example of what communications analysts call death of distance. – Tim Jones
Podcast listenership is some 20 times what people are listening to on the radio. – Scott Aukerman
I strongly encourage listening to the radio to hear something you haven’t heard before. It’s a very healthy thing to do. Unless you reload your iPods every couple of weeks, you’re listening to and recycling the same music all of the time. – Alvin Lee
I think the Internet is an awful lot like FM radio was when it broke out in the late ’60s. It’s kind of a wild and wily kind of format. – Roger McGuinn
Along with several very popular Internet sites, talk radio has served as alternative media that gives listeners information that they otherwise would not hear. – Paul Weyrich
I do not buy CDs any more; I usually stream Internet radio. – Oren Peli
The digital revolution has disrupted most traditional media: newspapers, magazines, books, record companies, radio. – Ken Auletta
Radio killed variety and TV killed radio, and the internet will kill television and it will go on and on. – Victoria Wood
I particularly like Twitter, because it’s short and can be very funny and informative. It’s a little bit like having your own radio program. – Margaret Atwood
Radio is closer to a Tumblr, or a blog, or Twitter, than it is to television, I think. – Ira Glass
People don’t listen to terrestrial radio. They don’t find their music that way. They don’t get their news that way. They go to blogs. They go through Sirius/XM. – Kaskade
The fear of the never-ending onslaught of gizmos and gadgets is nothing new. The radio, the telephone, Facebook – each of these inventions changed the world. Each of them scared the heck out of an older generation. And each of them was invented by people who were in their 20s. – Daniel H. Wilson
Digital television, satellite radio, videogames, iPods – so much media. Do books even matter anymore? – Mo Rocca
Happy National Radio Day Images
Let’s all make National Radio Day 2022 a big one. Here are some suggestions to Celebrate Happy Radio Day.
- Spread the word on social media using the hashtag #NationalRadioDay
- Listen to a participating station
- Throw a celebration at your station
- Invite your friends over to have a National Radio Day party
- Donate to your favorite non-commercial station
Radio Day is a great opportunity to remember all those years we spent travelling with Walkman, and enjoying the best and newest music broadcast from your local radio station.