
National Kiss and Make Up Day Messages and Wishes

National Kiss and Make Day is truly a beautiful day because it gives you a chance to put and end to all your fights and arguments you have had with your loved ones by making up to them. Whether it is your mother or father, boyfriend or girlfriend, spouse or partner, sister or brother, you fight with them all and sometimes you upset them. But with National Kiss and Make Day, you get an opportunity to send them beautiful messages to end all the fight.

We have a collection of lovely National Kiss and Make Day messages, Kiss & Makeup Day greeting cards, Kiss & Make Up Day Wishes and quotes using which you can make up for your actions. Use these wonderful National Kiss Day wishes to share with your loved ones on Facebook, WhatsApp.

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Happy Kiss and Make Up Day Wishes

1. We have grown up together….. Arguments, fights, breakups, makeups have been a part of it but this time I know I have gone a little too far and hurt you a little more….. On National Kiss and Make Day, I want to tell you that I am sorry and it will never happen again.

2. I feel extremely sad when I see that because of my actions I have created so much of a distance between both of us and I really want to have this distance gone…. Please forgive me for my actions on this National Kiss and Make Day.

3. I know sometimes sorry is not enough but I promise that there is never going to be a next time because this will be the last time….. I request you to make this National Kiss and Make Day memorable for me by forgiving me for my mistake.

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4. For all these days, I had been waiting for National Kiss and Make Day with a hope that when I will apologize to you on this day, you will forgive me because you know deep inside that I love you and I cannot hurt you intentionally….. Happy National Kiss and Make Day my dear.

5. All that I did, I know I have hurt you deep but on this occasion of National Kiss and Make Day, I not only want to apologize for the wrong I did but I also want to promise you that it was the last time it happened…. Please forgive me and give me one last chance to make up to you.

6. Arguments and fights are a part of every relationship as they help us grow. I know our arguments have gone too far but my intention was not to give you pain. I am sorry and I hope you will understand me and forgive me, for this will never happen again!!

7. You are my best friend and you have a special place in my life. Just because I am afraid of losing you, I get jealous and possessive when it comes to sharing with you other people. I am sorry for being over reactive, it is just my love for you and nothing more my dear.

8. My intention was just to make you happy but in that mode I overlooked your comfort and forgot what you desired. I am sorry for not doing what you like, for not looking for happiness in yours. Please forgive me. I am extremely sorry for running your special day.

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Happy Kiss and Make Up Day Greeting Messages

9. I have just shows you that I am one stupid person because of the mistake I did. Now please show me that you are the best person by forgiving me for my careless actions. Please cut down your anger and be nice to me because I am genuinely very sorry.

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10. I am sorry for taking your presence, smiles and time, all for granted. In my busy life, I forgot that you are the only person who is the reason for my smiles and happiness. I will never ever do this again because I love you the most. Please accept my apologies because you are the best.

11. I know I have hurt you. The only way I know to make up to you is by saying “I am sorry”. Please forgive me for I never meant to say what I meant. I am sorry for what I did and I just want to hug you tight and apologize to you.

12. What I did was a stupid and impulsive act…. I know I cannot take back my words or erase my actions. But I can do everything to make you feel better, to express my feelings to you, to tell you that I am sorry. Sending apologies to my sweetheart with a hope for forgiveness.

13. I did a wrong thing and I can wait as long as you want, for forgiveness. You take your time to forgive me because I will wait forever, to forgive me, to love me back and to start this all over again because you are my life. I am sorry and I really am!!!!

14. The pain in my heart has been increasing since the day I hurt you…. But trust me, I am in more pain than you because you are hurt because of me. I plead you to please put an end to this suffering with your forgives for this is the first and the last time for me. Sorry my dear.

15. Forgetting our anniversary doesn’t mean you are not important to me. You were, you are and you will always be the most special person in my life and I want to celebrate each day with you, for you make every moment special. I am sorry… I love you and I never intend to hurt you.

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Kiss and Make Up Day Status

Kiss and Make Up Day Status Messages for Whatsapp & Facebook

16. It is really very hard to see your loved one cry because of you…. Make up to that special one on National Kiss and Make Day.

17. Thanks to National Kiss and Make Day that we can make up for our wrong actions.

18. National Kiss and Make Day gives us the hope that we still have the last chance to try, to put an end to the distance.

19. I want to make up to you, love you, kiss you and promise you that I will never ever hurt you again.

20. I was a fool to hurt you because I didn’t realize that it will hurt me more….. On National Kiss and Make Day, I ask for forgiveness!!!

Quotes for Kiss And Make Up day

Kiss And Make Up day Quotes

“I smile. I smile all the time, but you’re just not around to see it these days”.”
― Sarra Manning

“Just once, I’d like to find a boy. And I like him and he likes me. And we have a laugh and the kissing’s really good and there’s no-one getting in the way of the laughing and the kissing. Is that too much to ask?”
― Sarra Manning

“There was only one way to get through the rest of the evening and it wasn’t sober.”

“Sometimes it frightens me how much I enjoy behaving like a complete cow.”

“I think sometimes she lies in bed at night and plots ways to make my life suck.
There can be no other explanation.”

“When your mother doesn’t want to have the sex talk with you any more but instead wants to talk about the possibility that you might have sex on her soft furnishings, it’s a watershed moment in any girl’s life. I know I’ll remember it fondly for many years to come.”

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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