
Eid Ul Adha 2022 Date Bangladesh and Its Significance [Qurbani Eid]

Every year, Eid Ul Adha (Qurbani Eid) appears in our lives with the great teachings of the sacrifice. On this day everyone sacrifices their favorite animals on the path of Allah. Almost 3000 years ago, Ibrahim (a) faced a hard test. In the endless grace of Allah, he passed the test, remembrance of which the sacrifice becomes the wajib on the Muslim nation. Like in every year, Eid Ul Adha 2022 will be held in Bangladesh this year again. On the occasion of Eid Ul Adha 2022 Bangladesh, everyone will sacrifice cow, goat, and buffalo according to their ability on this day to achieve the vicinity of Allah.

Eid Ul Adha is one of the biggest celebrations of the Muslims. In terms of religious perspective, Eid Ul Adha also bears a lot of meanings. During this time the Muslims of the whole world meet in Mecca to celebrate holy Hajj. On the day of Eid Ul Adha, we all have the opportunity to get forgiveness of our sins from Allah. There will be the holiday throughout the country so that everyone can observe the Eid without any hesitation. Everyone will be able to spend a few days with the loved ones in a relaxed way. Let us present brief descriptions about the history, intent, and the official holiday associated with it. You can also see EID UL FITR details.

Eid Ul Adha 2018

Eid Ul Adha 2022 Bangladesh

Eid Ul Adha is celebrated on the 10th of Zilqad in Bangladesh every year. Eid day is known to all of us. On this day, everyone gathers in the same place and same row for praying the Eid prayer. Then those who are capable of sacrifice animals to earn the nearness of Allah.  Everyone distributes the meat to the poor people of the society so that they do not get deprived of the joy of the Eid. Besides, people also give meat to their relatives. The whole day spends with great enthusiasm and joy. In the afternoon, everyone becomes busy eating meat. Some people go somewhere with loved ones, and some visit their relatives. Then the country seems full of peace. All the people of the country remain at peace for at least a few days on the occasion of Eid Ul Adha.

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When is Eid al-Adha in 2022?

Eid al-Adha in 2022 is on Sunday, the 10th of July (10/07/2022). Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Qurbani Eid on the sunset of Sunday, the 10th of July.

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২০২২ সালের ঈদুল আযহা কত তারিখে? কোরবানির ঈদ কত তারিখে 2022

আপনি যদি 2022 সালের কোরবানির ঈদ কত তারিখে জানতে চান তাহলে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট থেকে জেনে নিন। প্রত্যেকটি মুসলিম ভাই-বোন বছরের কর্মব্যস্ততা শেষে দুইটি ঈদে পরিবারের সঙ্গে একত্রিত হয়ে আনন্দের সঙ্গে দিনটি উদযাপন করেন। যদিও আমাদের কর্মস্থলের সুবিধার জন্য আমরা প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক ছুটি পাব তারপরেও আমরা যদি আগে থেকেই কোরবানির ঈদ কত তারিখে হবে তা জেনে নিই তাহলে আমাদের অনেক কাজ আমরা গুছিয়ে করতে পারব।

ঈদুল আযহা / কোরবানির ঈদ এর তারিখ ১০ জুলাই.

Eid Ul Adha 2022 Govt Holidays

There will be several days holiday on the occasion of Eid Ul Adha. Here is a list below of how many days we will get as holidays:

Eid Ul Adha Mubarak

The Days Before And After The Qurbani Eid

The sacrifice is the duty of all capable Muslims in the memories of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (a). According to the executive order, there will be holidays on the day before and after the Eid so that everyone can enjoy Eid Ul Adha better with the family. However, the holiday is dependent on seeing the moon. The probable date of the Eid Ul Adha this year is 10th July to 11th July. Apart from this, there will be a common holiday on the day of Eid Ul Adha.

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Qurbani Eid Day (Eid Ul Adha 2022)

There will be general public holidays all over the country during the holy Eid Ul Adha. Private companies also celebrate this day as the holiday. People of all religions can enjoy the holiday on the Eid day.

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The Second Day of Eid Ul Adha

On the occasion of the holy Eid Ul Adha, many people do not want to return to the workplace easily after going to their homeland. On the second day of Eid Ul Adha, the optional holiday has been allocated for them. This year the probable second day of Eid Ul Adha is on August 24. However, the holiday is dependent on observing the moon.

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The list of Eid Ul Adha holidays at a glance.

SL. No. Date Holidays Name Total Days Type of Holidays
01 9th July& 11th July* The days before and after the Eid ul Adha 02 Executive Order
02 10 July* Eid ul Adha 01 Public Holidays
03 12 July* Second day of Eid ul Adha 01 Optional

*Marked holidays are dependent on observing the moon.

The Significance of Eid Ul Azha

The significance of the Eid Ul Adha is broad and deep. On this day, it becomes easier to earn the satisfaction of Allah. Eid Ul Adha is the festival of the great memorable sacrifice of Ibrahim (a), Bibi Hajerah, and Ismail (a). Ibrahim (a) is mentioned in the Qur’an as the father of the Muslim nation (Hajj 78). This family is the greatest standard of sacrifice for world Muslims. Therefore, on the day of Eid Ul Adha, the whole Muslim nation seeks Allah’s satisfaction through fulfilling the Ibrahimi Sunnah. On the occasion of Hajj in the month of Zilhajj in the memory of the sacrifice, hundreds of thousands of Muslims gathered in Mecca-Medina from the whole world in the memory of Ibrahim (a).

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They tried with full power of life to be idealistic in the Ibrahimi ideology. Hajj is a unique example of the unity, solidarity, and fraternity of the Muslim Ummah which encourages us to Tauhidi motivation every year. We intensely feel the world Muslim fraternity. Eid festival is a social festival and collective joy festival to celebrate. Sacrifice is an integral part of the Eid Ul Adha festival. The sacrifice is the medium of correctness and purity. Though this is a social norm, it has been introduced for the sake of Allah. He alone is the only creator and people always hope for his grace. Our wealth, family and society are devoted to his purpose and sacrifice is a symbol of that dedication.

Happy EID Mubarak Wishes 2022 For Friends, Family, Lover

Final Words

Eid is the symbol of the unity of the Muslims. Muslims get two Eid days each year. Eid gives us the opportunity to earn the nearness to Allah. On this day, He sent blessings in sky and earth. The sacrifice teaches us how to sacrifice. We should sacrifice for the sake of Allah by taking lessons from the teaching of sacrifice. And we wish the day of Eid Ul Adha brings you delight and laughing. Do not only celebrate Eid yourself but also help the poor neighbors so that they can be happy on the Eid day. Remember that your neighbors have rights on you. Finally, we wish the almighty Allah forgives our sins on the occasion of Eid Ul Adha. May this Eid Ul Adha 2022 Bangladesh become pleasant for everyone.

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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