
Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train Schedule, Time and Ticket Price 2024

Everyone is very eager to know Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Schedule. In reality, the bus service quality on this route is very poor. That is why everyone wants to travel by train. As a result, the pressure on the train is a little higher here. So we have come up today with our review for those who do not know the train schedule of this route.

We will include everything such as train schedule, fare, off day, etc. in our review. For that, there will be no more doubt regarding the Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train Schedule. So let us start the train schedule of this route in a little more detail.

Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train List

At present, there are three trains travels on Dhaka to Kishoreganj route daily. It makes everyone to travel to Dhaka to Kishorjanj route almost all day. Before there were two trains on this route. Recently one more train has been increased. The three trains that travel on Dhaka-Kishoreganj-Dhaka route are the following:

  • Kishoreganj Express
  • EgaroSindur Provati
  • EgaroSindur Godhuli

Dhaka to Kishoreganj Distance Map

The distance from Dhaka to Kishoreganj as a train route is not too much. All the trains can travel in roughly two hours. Traveling from Kamalapur station, trains go to Kishoreganj via Airport, Gazipur, Bhairab Bazar. On the way, there are many brakes at many stations though. For making you understand easily, the distance of Dhaka-Kishoreganj Railway and route plan is shown on Google Map here.

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Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Map

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Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Stoppages

On the way to Kishoreganj from Dhaka, there are several stoppages at some places. Here is a list is given below of which train has stoppages at which places.

Train Name Place of Stoppages
Kishoreganj Express


Airport, Narsingdhi, Bhairab Bazar, Kuliarchor, Bajitpur, Sorarchor, Manikkhali.
EgaroSindur Provati


Airport, Narsingdhi, Bhairab Bazar, Kuliarchor, Bajitpur, Sorarchor, Manikkhali.
EgaroSindu rGodhuli Airport, Narsingdhi, Bhairab Bazar, Kuliarchor, Bajitpur, Sorarchor, Manikkhali.

Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train Schedule &Time

As there are 3 trains travel on this route now, there are some changes occurred in the schedule. There are 3 trains travel on both sides. But new schedules may seem unfamiliar to many. So we will give a detailed schedule dividing it like this- Dhaka to Kishoreganj, and Kishoreganj to Dhaka. Now take a look at the train schedule of Dhaka-Kishoreganj-Dhaka at a glance.

Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Schedule

Time Train Name Off Day
07:15am EgaroSindurProvati Wednesday
10:35am Kishoreganj Express Friday
06:40pm EgaroSindurGodhuli Wednesday

Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train time

Kishoreganj to Dhaka Train Schedule

Time Train Name Off Day
06:50am EgaroSinurProvati Wednesday
12:30pm EgaroSindurGodhuli Wednesday
02:40 Kishorganj Express Friday

Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train Ticket Price

There are tickets of several seat classes in the Dhaka to Kishoreganj train. Ticket fare is also different based on the seat class. There is also a difference in fares based on trains. We will mention the ticket fare for each train and class separately. For the reason, anyone can easily understand that. Take a look at the fares of different trains of Dhaka to Kishoreganj.

Kishoreganj Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 125 TK.
Shovon Chair 150 TK.
First Class Seat 200 TK.
Snigdha 288 TK.

EgaroSindur Provati Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 125 TK.
Shovon Chair 150 TK.
First Class Seat 200 TK.
First Class Chair 200 TK.

EgaroSindur Godhuli Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 125 TK.
Shovon Chair 150 TK.
First Class Seat 200 TK.
First Class Chair 200 TK.

Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train Ticket Booking

How you can book Dhaka to Kishoreganj train ticket is shown step by step below.

  1. First, visit this site here:
  2. If you do not have the account there then open an account. Then sign in there and click on the ‘purchase ticket’.
  3. At this step select Dhaka/Kishoreganj from the ‘station from’, the date when you want to travel, Dhaka/Kishoreganj from the ‘station to’ and the seat class of the train options. Then click on the ‘search train’.
  4. You will see a few train schedules. Select how many seats you want to take by clicking on your preferred train. Then you will be taken to the payment option.
  5. Make your payment with a rocket or debit/credit card.
  6. The ticket will be sent to your email in the PDF file. You can print it out.

The Last Words

Hopefully, you all are clear about everything of Dhaka To Kishoreganj Train schedule. After this review, we hope there is no doubt for anyone about the train schedules and ticket prices of Dhaka to Kishoreganj.

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Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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