
Famous Robert Mugabe Quotes, which Unforgettable

A quick look at President Mugabe’s colorful language throughout his 37-year reign as leader of Zimbabwe.  Robert Mugabe at the 72nd UN General Assembly said ‘President of the United States, Mr Trump; please blow your trumpet’ [Jason Szenes/EPA]

During his 37-year rule of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has built up an impressive amount of controversy, mostly by using colorful and often hateful language. The 93-year-old leader – the world’s oldest head of state – has been prone to rail against a wide range of topics; from homosexuality and Britain, to Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

I’m sure he’ll definitely be top in the black book of the Western world. Let’s just say the feeling is mutual.

Call him a dictator, call him a tyrant, call him the “Hitler of our time”… he is super-cool and totally fine with it. Amidst all of his controversial leadership style, Robert Mugabe’s pan-African views and belief is not in question. Were he not who he is, Zimbabwe’s independence story might not be as we know it.

Robert Mugabe Died September 6, 2022

Robert Mugabe Quotes

With many in Zimbabwe and the wider world now wondering whether Mugabe will remain in power after Wednesday’s takeover by the army, we list his most famous quotes.

He talked about National Grandparents Day!

On imperialism

“Africa must revert to what it was before the imperialists divided it. These are artificial divisions which we, in our pan-African concept, will seek to remove.” – Speech at Salisbury, 1962

“Stay with us, please remain in this country and constitute a nation based on national unity.” – A plea to the white population of Zimbabwe at a Zanu-PF rally, 1980

“Only God, who appointed me, will remove me – not the MDC, not the British. Only God will remove me!” – Election rally, 2008. MDC is an opposition party.

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“Our party must continue to strike fear in the heart of the white man, our real enemy.” – Zanu-PF rally, 2002

Robert Mugabe Quotes

On homosexuality:

“We ask, was he born out of homosexuality? We need continuity in our race, and that comes from the woman, and no to homosexuality. John and John, no; Maria and Maria, no. They are worse than dogs and pigs. I keep pigs and the male pig knows the female one.” – ZDC radio interview, 2015

“We equally reject attempts to prescribe ‘new rights’ that are contrary to our values, norms, traditions, and beliefs. We are not gays!” – UNGA, 2015

If President Barack Obama wants me to allow marriage for same-sex couples in my country (Zimbabwe), he must come here so that I marry him first.

On Britain:

“Britain is a very cold, uninhabitable country with small houses.” – Mutare rally, 2013

“We are still exchanging blows with the British government. They are using gay gangsters. Each time I pass through London, the gangster regime of Blair ‘expresses its dismay’.” Reference to an incident in which human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell attempted a citizens’ arrest on Mugabe during a visit to London in October, 1999

“We have fought for our land, we have fought for our sovereignty, small as we are we have won our independence and we are prepared to shed our blood … So, Blair keep your England, and let me keep my Zimbabwe.” – Earth Summit, South Africa, 2002

On Hitler:

“I am still the Hitler of the time. This Hitler has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights over their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is what we stand for.” – State funeral of a Cabinet minister, 2003

On the economy:

“Our economy is a hundred times better, than the average African economy. Outside South Africa, what country is [as good as] Zimbabwe? … What is lacking now are goods on the shelves – that is all.” – Interview, 2007

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On Jesus Christ:

“I have died many times – that’s where I have beaten Christ. Christ died once and resurrected once.” – To state radio on 88th birthday

On cricket:

“Cricket civilises people and creates good gentlemen I want everyone to play cricket in Zimbabwe; I want ours to be a nation of gentlemen.” – This is a widely reported quote, but it was unclear when Mugabe said this.

robert mugabe quotes about life

On US presidents:

“Let Mr. Bush read history correctly. Let him realise that both personally and in his representative capacity as the current president of the United States, he stands for this ‘civilisation’, which occupied, which colonised, which incarcerated, which killed. He has much to atone for and very little to lecture us on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. His hands drip with [the] innocent blood of many nationalities.” – UNGA, 2007

“I’ve just concluded – since President Obama endorses same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people, and enjoys an attractive countenance – thus if it becomes necessary, I shall travel to Washington, DC, get down on my knee, and ask his hand.” – ZDC radio interview, 2015

“Some of us were embarrassed, if not frightened, by what appeared to be the return of the biblical giant gold Goliath. Are we having a return of Goliath to our midst, who threatens the extinction of other countries?” – UNGA, 2017

“May I say to the United States President, Mr Trump, please blow your trumpet. Blow your trumpet in a musical way towards the values of unity, peace, cooperation, togetherness, dialogue, which we have always stood for.” – UNGA, 2017

On grooming a successor:

“Grooming a successor, is it an inheritance? In a democratic party, you don’t want leaders appointed that way. They have to be appointed properly by the people.” – TV interview, 2016

Robert Mugabe Quotes about life

1. We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races.

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2. Africa must revert to what it was before the imperialists divided it. These are artificial divisions which we, in our pan-African concept will seek to remove.

3. We don’t mind having sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans.

4. We are still exchanging blows with the British government. They are using gay gangsters. Each time I pass through London, the gangster regime of Blair ‘expresses its dismay’.

5. We need continuity in our race, and that comes from the woman, and no to homosexuality. John and John, no; Maria and Maria, no…I keep pigs and the male pig knows the female one.

6. Don’t fight even over girlfriends. The country is full of beautiful women. If you can’t get one, come to Mugabe for assistance.

7. We have said we will never collapse, never ever. We may have our droughts, our poverty, but as a people, we shall never collapse, never ever.

8. Only God who appointed me will remove me.

9. I will never, never, never, never surrender. Zimbabwe is mine. I am a Zimbabwean. Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans. Zimbabwe never for the British. Britain for the British.

10. The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.

11. Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world, even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change.

12. The white man is not indigenous to Africa…The white man is here as a second citizen.

13. Racism will never end as long as white cars are still using black tires; If people still use black color for bad luck and white for peace; If people still wear white clothes to weddings and black clothes to funerals; As long as those who don’t pay their bills are blacklisted and not ‘whitelisted’… But I don’t care as long as I still use the white tissue paper to wipe my ass! With that only, I will always be very fine.

14. The land is ours. It’s not European and we have taken it, we have given it to the rightful people… Those of white extraction who happen to be in the country and are farming are welcome to do so, but they must do so on the basis of equality.

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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