
Dhaka to Netrokona Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2024

Dhaka to Netrokona Train Schedule is very important for those who travel on this route. Normally, there is no better route to travel to Netrokona by bus. Moreover, the condition of the road is very dangerous. But there are several tourist areas like Birishiri. So the train is the most suitable vehicle for traveling to Netrokona. Not only the tourists but also the regular passengers are not aware of the schedule of this route.

How about getting all the information in details together about Dhaka to Netrokona Train Schedule and ticket price? Yes, we are going to do this in our today’s review. We would like to present all the information about the Dhaka to Netrokona train in front of you today. So let us come to know all the information related to this railway route.

Dhaka to Netrokona Train List

There is no sufficient train from Netrokona to Dhaka. Only two trains travel on this route according to different shifts. The trains leave from Kamlapur railway station in Dhaka and Mohonganj station in Netrokona. All the trains in this route have a lot of stoppages which is very annoying for direct passengers. The list of trains that travel from Dhaka to Netrokona is given below.

At one glance, trains that travel on Dhaka-Netrokona-Dhaka route are:

  • Haor Express
  • Mohonganj Express
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Dhaka to Netrokona Train Stoppages

There are several stoppages in different stations of the trains that travel on the Dhaka to Netrokona route. As a result, people living in the areas near these stations can also travel. The trains stop at the same stations on both ways traveling from Dhaka to Netrokona and from Netrokona to Dhaka. The two trains have the same stoppage. The stoppages where trains from Netrokona have the breaks are mentioned below.

Train Name The Name of the Stoppages

Mohonganj Express

Airport Station, Gaforgaon, Mymensingh, Gouripur, Shyamganj, Netrokona, Thakurakona, Barhatta, Mohonganj.

Haor Express

Airport Station, Gaforgaon, Mymensingh, Gouripur, Shyamganj, Netrokona, Thakurakona, Barhatta, Mohonganj.

Dhaka to Netrokona Train Schedule

There are two trains on the Dhaka-Netrokona-Dhaka route travel every day according to two train schedules. Basically, the trains of this route are operated under railway East Zone. Many people called Mymensingh trains. It leaves from Dhaka and returns back to Dhaka from Netrokona on the same day. The trains travel up to Mohonaganj, Netrokona. The detailed schedule of which train leaves from where is given below.

Dhaka to Netrokona Train Time

Time Train Name Off Day
02:20 pm Mohonganj Express Monday
11:50 pm Haor Express Wednesday

Netrokona to Dhaka Train Time

Time Train Name Off Day
08:30 am Haor Express Thursday
11:30 pm Mohonganj Express Monday
Jaria Bus Train Station Netrokona
Jaria Train Station time table

If you want to know more about the train schedule of other trains, you can have a look at these articles here Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule,

Chittagong to Mymensingh Train Schedule

Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Schedule.

Dhaka to Netrokona Train Ticket Price

There are only two trains on the Dhaka to Netrokona train route. Among the two, Haor Express has the seat class of only two types. Those are Shovon and Shovon Chair. Though Haor express lacks seats, Mohanganj Express has fulfilled the deficit. There are 4 types of seats on this train. Those are Shovon, Shovon Chair, first class seat, and Snigdha.

It can be said that there are all types of seats in this train except the berth. People can choose their own seat according to their choice. Likewise, this train has more advantages than Haor express. Because of the Mohonganj Express, the demand for seats for tourists is also being met.

Netrokona trains mainly leave from Mohonganj Upazila. So for the sake of your better understanding, the ticket fares of different seat classes for Haor Express and Mohanoganj Express are mentioned below. Now take a look at the list of ticket fare.

Mohonganj Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 165 TK.
Shovon Chair 195 TK.
First Class Seat 260 TK.
Snigdha 374 TK.

Haor Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon 165 TK.
Shovon Chair 195 TK.

We have some other articles on the details of Bangladesh railway. If you want to read, then take a look at here Bangladesh Railway Tickets Online, BD Railway Tickets Booking by Mobile.

Final Verdict

In the end, we would like to say that the train has relieved people of Netrokona a lot. Otherwise, they would have to travel by bus through the damaged roads. The data that is mentioned here related to the Dhaka to Netrokona Train Schedule are all collected from the official app of the railway. So the information is accurate. If you do not want to miss the train, reach the station on time. And legally travel by train.

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Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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