
World Photography Day 2022 observed in August 19

Happy World Photography Day! Every year this year is celebrated as World Photographic Day to commemorate the day when Daguerreotype photography was released. If you are a hobbyist or professional photographer, you can celebrate this day a little special!

The whole world is celebrating the nineteenth day of August as the day of photography. Every year this year is celebrated as World Photographic Day to commemorate the day when Daguerreiro type photography was released. Also, the day is celebrated to pay respect to the people who have worked tirelessly in the pursuit of photography from the beginning to the present.

World Photo Day

World Photography Day

On the occasion of World Photography Day, on August 1, a variety of exhibitions, talks and documentaries were displayed on the occasion of various photographers community of Bangladesh. The documentary also shows the evolution and future of photography in the production of photographers.

Photographer or photographer, one of the most famous names. Some make a hobby and some choose this job as a profession. Starting from mobiles to expensive DSLR cameras, the medium is the least of all the pictures.

Happy World Photography day date

Today is World Photography Day. The whole world is celebrating the 19th day of August as the day of photography. The soft click of the camera, a flash of light and a moment in time captured forever. Maybe digitally, maybe on film, the medium is never as important as the memory or moment caught.

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August 19th Is World Photography Day
August 19th Is World Photography Day

The date was chosen to honour the development of this photographic process by Joseph Nicèphore Nièpce and Louis Daguerre in the year 1837 on the same date. It was also the same date in 1839 on which the French government had purchased the patent and announced the invention as a gift quoting “Free to the World.” Earlier to Daguerreotype, Nièpce had captured the permanent photograph in 1826 using the process called Heliography. It was called ‘View from the Window at Le Gras.’ The daguerreotype is permanent photography that used silver chloride coating on a piece of paper. But those photos would later turn into black due to the effects of silver chloride.

World Photography Day Wishes, SMS

Over the years, before and after the invention of Daguerreotype photography, photographs have crossed lots of development. Not only the photography got better, but with the digital invention, the instruments and devices like the camera have been made lighter, simpler and are easy to use. World Photo Day had hosted its first global online gallery on August 19, 2010. About 270 photographers had shared their pictures and the website had been visited by people from over 100 countries. It marked the first official, globally reaching World Photo Day.

The thought of capturing moments in the frame but came to human heads a long time ago. From the early eighteenth century, scientists became so busy searching for something that could capture any moment of human or nature.

Best World Photography Day

World Photography Day 2022

On January 5, the French Academy of Sciences announced the invention of a photographic medium. The name of this method is Daguerreiro type. After several tests, they brought the process to the forefront on August 7, a few months later.

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Scientist Luis Daguir first discovered this method of taking pictures. Daguerreiro type photography is named after his name. A public meeting was held at the French Academy of Sciences, Paris on August 7, and showed everyone how to take pictures in this way. In just a few days the popularity of Daguerreiro type photography has spread all over the world.

Happy World Photo Day

How to celebrate Photography Day

Every year this year is celebrated as World Photographic Day to commemorate the day when Daguerreiro type photography was released.

Why not go out and snap a few pictures yourself? Find an older camera, and enjoy the feel, and look, of 35mm film. Walk around and snap some pictures to preserve the time in photographic form. Make a collage, which is a mixture of pictures, sometimes cut into different shapes than the usual rectangles of photos. Go snap some wildlife, either in the wild or at a zoo. Maybe some family photos wouldn’t be out of the question; and you could even use them in the yearly holiday cards in place of the stock sitting stills. Or go see a museum about photography, if you have one nearby to visit.

celebrate Photography Day

Best World Photography Day Quotes

    • “The picture that you took with your camera is the imagination you want to create with reality.”
      — Scott Lorenzo
    • “If the photographer is interested in the people in front of his lens, and if he is compassionate, it’s already a lot. The instrument is not the camera but the photographer.”
      — Eve Arnold
    • “A tear contains an ocean. A photographer is aware of the tiny moments in a persons life that reveal greater truths.”
      — Anonymous
    • “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”
      — Dorothea Lange
    • “Essentially what photography is is life lit up.”
      — Sam Abell
    • “I don’t trust words. I trust pictures.”
      — Gilles Peress
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Try out different things in photography and to your photographs as by creating collages, adding effects or edit it in the way you like. As to represent the motto of World Photo Day, shot pictures in such a way that would bring in some form of positive effects or transformation in the society. Share out all your photos as a form of photographic day celebration on social media using the hashtag #WorldPhotoDay.

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Photo Day 2022.

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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