Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2025

Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule is mostly similar to the bus schedule. This is because there is a lot of trains travel on this route. Due to the short route and multiple destinations on this route, most of the trains travel through this route. As there are frequent trains on this route, often times general people get confused with the train schedule.
Considering all these issues, we will write the review on the Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule and the ticket price. Hopefully, after reading our review, everything will seem easy for everyone. So no further talk here, let us know everything about the Dhaka to Mymensingh train.
Dhaka to Mymensingh Train List
There are several trains travel from Dhaka to Mymensingh and Mymensingh to Dhaka every day. We will give you a list of the trains that travel on this route. At a glance, take a look at the list of all the trains traveling on Dhaka to Mymensingh route below.
- Teesta Express
- Mohanganj Express
- Agnibina Expression
- Haor Express
- Brahmaputra Express
- Jamuna Express
Mail Trains: Apart From these trains, there have many mail trains also which run between Dhaka to Mymensingh and Mymensingh to Dhaka.
Here is the list of all the mail trains:
- Dewangonj Commuter
- Jamalpur Commuter
- Bolaka Commuter
- Ishkhan Express
- Mohua Express
- Vawal Express
Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Stoppages
The name of the stations where the trains have stoppages while traveling through this route from Dhaka to Mymensingh and Mymensingh to Dhaka is given below.
Train name | The name of the places of stoppages |
Teesta Express | Airport, Gofargaon, Mymensingh |
Brahmaputra Express | Airport, Gofargaon, Mymensingh |
Jamuna Express | Joydevpur, Gaffargaon, Mymensingh |
Agnibina Express | Airport, Gofargaon, Mymensingh |
Mohanganj Express | Airport, Gofargaon, Mymensingh, Netrokona, Mohonganj |
Haor Express | Airport, Gofargaon,
Mymensingh, Netrokona, Mohonganj |
Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule
Trains on Dhaka to Mymensingh route follow the schedule of the East Zone of the railway. Every day, there are six trains at different specific times on this route. The schedule of which train leaves when is given below. The off day of each train is also mentioned with that. Now take a look at the schedule for Dhaka-Mymensingh route at a glance.
Dhaka to Mymensingh |
Time | Train Name | Off Day |
07:30 am | Tista Express | Monday |
09:45am | Agnibina Express | No off Day |
02:20 pm | Mohonganj Express | Monday |
04:40 pm | Jamuna Express | No of day |
06:00 pm | Brahmaputra Express | Monday |
11:50 pm | Haor Express | Wednesday |
Dhaka to Mymensingh MAIL TRAINS Schedule |
Dewangonj Commuter | 5.40 AM | 11.45 AM |
Jamalpur Commuter | 3.40 PM | 6.15 PM |
Bolaka Commuter | 10.30 AM | 2.10 PM |
Ishakhan Express | 11.30 AM | 9.45 PM |
Mohua Express | 8.10 AM | 2.50 PM |
Vawal Express | 9.00 PM | 5.40 AM |
If you are eager to know train schedules of other trains, then these articles of Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule and Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Schedule are for you.
Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Ticket Price
There are six trains travel on Dhaka to Mymensingh route. Each train has seats of multiple classes. The train fare varies based on the seat class. Again there is a difference between the seat fares in the same class of two different trains. The route is short so there is no cabin here on any train. However, there are comfortable seats like Snigdha.
The trains of Dhaka-Mymensingh route are mainly from Netrokona and Dewanganj. For your convenience and better understanding, we have mentioned fares of all the trains for different class seats here. Take a look at what is the fare of each train on Dhaka to Mymensingh route.
Tista Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon Chair | 140 TK. |
First Class Seat | 185 TK. |
Ac Seat | 322 TK. |
Snigdha | 271 TK. |
Mohanganj Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 120 TK. |
Shovon Chair | 140 TK. |
Snigdha | 271 TK. |
Agnibina Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 120 TK. |
First Class Seat | 185 TK. |
First Class Chair | 185 TK. |
Brahmaputra Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 120 TK. |
Shovon Chair | 140 TK. |
Dewanganj Special Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 120 TK. |
First Class Chair | 185 TK. |
Haor Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 120 TK. |
Shovon Chair | 140 TK. |
Jamuna Express Ticket Price |
Class | Seat Fare |
Shovon | 120 TK. |
Shovon Chair | 140 TK. |
First Class Seat | 185 TK. |
First Class Chair | 185 TK. |
Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Time
Most of the time, you will not get the train schedule of both end on Dhaka to Mymensingh and Mymensingh to Dhaka route in other articles. But we will provide the schedule of trains on both sides. Down trip schedule from Mymensingh is following. We have also mentioned the weekly off day with the schedule.
Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule |
Time | Train Name | Off Day |
03:02 am | Mohonganj Express | Monday |
04:35 am | Jamuna Express | No off Day |
09:10 am | Brahmaputra Express | Monday |
11:00 am | Haor Express | Wednesday |
05:10 pm | Tista Express | Monday |
07:15 pm | Agnibina Express | No off day |
Few Other Train Schedules with Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule
Sometimes many of you need to travel to other places for several reasons. In that case, you may also prefer the train route to the bus route. If you want to go to Chittagong from Dhaka, you can have a look at this article here Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule or if you want to go to Khulna, you can take a look at this article here Dhaka to Sylhet Train Schedule also.
If you do not want to go to the railway station ticket counter to book your ticket, then you can also have a look at this article Bangladesh Railway Tickets Online and Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking by Mobile Phone.
The Last Words
We hope that you all have got the full Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule. All the information that we know has been presented here. Travel to the trains to avoid the heavy traffic of bus Journey. There is a nice arrangement for travelling to the train.