
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2025

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule is a special requirement for passengers on this route. Many people missed the train because of not knowing the schedule. We have come up with the Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule so that you do not have to face this type of unpleasant situation and miss the train. Our review will contain everything of the schedules of all the trains on Dhaka to Rajshahi route, separate ticket prices of each class of every train, Weekly off day and so on.

Apart from this, we will show you how to book your ticket online while sitting at your home. So let us know when the trains on the Dhaka to Rajshahi route leave the platforms and when the trains arrive at the destinations, and how much the ticket price is.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train List

With the newly introduced Banalata Express, there are currently four trains on the Dhaka to Rajshahi route. All the trains have up/down every day. The name of each train is very interesting. All the trains of Dhaka-Rajshahi route help the people Pabna, Sirajgonj, Tangail, and Rajshahi to travel. To make it easy to understand, we have provided the list of all the trains running on the Dhaka-Rajshahi-Dhaka route below.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Route Map

As the Pabna town has connected with the Dhaka-Rajshahi-Dhaka route, all the trains of this route need to travel a lot of extra miles. However, it would have taken little time if the trains go straight over Natore. The trains start the journey from Kamlapur, Dhaka and pass through Gazipur, Tangail, Sirajgonj, Pabna, and Ishwardi and then finally reach to Rajshahi.

On the way to Dhaka-Rajshahi-Dhaka, these trains pass through a lot of stations and many passengers travel. The map of the Dhaka-Rajshahi route will not be clear to many people just after knowing the name of the places. So to make you understand easily, we have highlighted the Dhaka-Rajshahi train route and marked on the map.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Route Map

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Stoppages

The newly introduced Banalata Express is the only non-stop train on the Dhaka to Rajshahi route. The rest of the three trains have a lot of stoppages at many stations. The trains of Rajshahi have stoppages fairly at all the stations of Gazipur, Tangail, Sirajgonj, and Pabna. Because of this, people of these three districts can also travel to Dhaka or Rajshahi easily. Here is a list of the stoppages of which train breaks at which station.

Train Name The Name of the Places of Stoppages
SilkCity Express Joydevpur, Mirzapur, Tangail, Bangabandhu Bridge East, Shaheed M Mansur Ali station, Jamtail, Ullapara, Baral Bridge, Chatmohar, Ishwardi
Padma Express Joydevpur, Mirzapur, Tangail, Bangabandhu Bridge East, Shaheed M Mansur Ali station, Jamtail, Ullapara, Baral Bridge, Chatmohar, Ishwardi
Dhumketu Express Joydevpur, Mirzapur, Tangail, Bangabandhu Bridge East, Shahid M. Mansur Ali station, Jamtail, Ullapara, Baral Bridge, Chatmohar, Ishwardi
Banalata Express Non-stop
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Want to know the details of Banalata Express? You can read this article Banalata Express Train Schedule Dhaka to Rajshahi here.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Times

All the trains of Dhaka-Rajshahi-Dhaka route are operated according to the schedule of the West Zone railway. As the trains leave Dhaka, they come back from Rajshahi again. It is important for everyone to know which train leaves when. We are now going to mention the Dhaka-Rajshahi route train times. Now have a look at which train leaves when.

Dhaka to Rajshahi

Time Train Name Off Day
06:00 am Dhumketu Express Tuesday
02:40 pm SilkCity Express Sunday
11:10 pm Padma Express Tuesday
Will reveal soon Banalata Express Will reveal soon

Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule

Time Train Name Off Day
07:40 am SilkCity Express Sunday
04:00 pm PadmaExpress Tuesday
11:20 pm Dhumketu Express Monday
Will reveal soon Banalata Express Will reveal soon

Rajshahi Station train time

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

There are many advantages to the trains on Dhaka to Rajshahi route. Based on the advantages, there are differences in the ticket prices. And the ticket fares are not the same in all trains in the same seat classes. So we would mention the Dhaka to Rajshahi train fares separately. Here you will get to know the ticket fares of all classes of all the trains so that everyone will be clear about this. Take a look at the different ticket fares of different trains.

Dhumketu Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 340 TK.
Ac Seat 782TK.
Snigdha 656TK.
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SilkCity Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 340TK.
Ac Seat 782TK.
Snigdha 656TK.

Padma Express Ticket Price

Class Seat Fare
Shovon Chair 340TK.
Snigdha 656TK.
AC Berth 1223TK.

How To Buy Dhaka- Rajshahi Online Train Ticket

Online booking has become a favorite medium for ticket booking. But many people in our country think we like to buy a ticket at the station. You can buy tickets through different way for going from Rajshahi to Dhaka. If you want to book your ticket online, then you can read this article here Bangladesh Railway Tickets online.

Some Extra Information for You with the Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule

It is not like that all people always travel to the same route all the time. Many of you need to travel to different places for many reasons. So we have thought that if we provide you the information about other train schedules, then it would be very much helpful for you. You can have a look at the Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule and Ticket Price here. You can also know the information of Dhaka To Sylhet Train Schedule with Ticket Price here.

Final Verdict

We believe that many of you will be benefited a lot for our today’s Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule review. We wish may your train journey be safe.

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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