
Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule and Ticket Price in 2024

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule and Ticket Price in 2024. A lot of people everyday search for Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule as the Dhaka-Chittagong railway route is the main railway line of the country. In this route, a large number of passengers travel daily by train. Because of this, the importance of this route is the highest. Naturally, due to the higher number of passengers, the demand is very high.

But there are many people who are not aware of the schedules, the list of fares, how to book the ticket of the train of Dhaka to Chittagong route. Our today’s review will help you as a guide with every information about the train from Dhaka to Chittagong. So let us now know every detail of Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule.

Dhaka to Chittagong Train List

At present, there are six up-down trains daily on Dhaka to Chittagong and Chittagong to Dhaka route. Train facility in Chittagong is quite good. Trains are frequently available. Apart from this, a mail train named Chittagong Mails lefts the Dhaka platform at 11:10 pm for Chittagong. The list of trains that travel from Dhaka to Chittagong is given below.

  • Sonar Bangla Express
  • Mahanagar Express
  • Chattala Express
  • Subarna Express
  • Turna Express
  • MahanagarProvati Express
  • Chittagong Mail

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Route Map

Though the distance from Dhaka to Chittagong is only 271 km, the train has to travel extra mileage as the route is not direct. Trains from Dhaka to Chittagong turns around Gazipur, Narsingdi, Brahmanbaria, Comilla, Feni route. This is because we do not have adequate railway line. It takes a lot of time to get to the destination because of the way around. For your convenience, the Google map is attached here so that you can easily understand the route map of Dhaka to Chittagong train.

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Dhaka to Chittagong Train Route Map
Dhaka Chittagong bullet train map


Station List of Dhaka to Chittagong Trains

On the way from Dhaka to Chittagong, trains stop at several stations. Because of this, people of Comilla, Feni, and Brahmanbaria could also travel in Dhaka-Chittagong trains. Now take a look at which stations the trains stop traveling to this long way.

Train Name The name of the places of stoppages
Mohanagar Express Bhairab Bazar, B. Baria, Akhaura, Comilla and Feni
Mahanagar Provati Express Bimanbandar, Bhairab Bazar, Brahmanbaria, Akhaura, Comilla, and Feni
Chattla Express Bhairab Bazar, Brahmanbaria, Comilla, Laksam, and Feni
Sonar Bangla Bhairaab Bazar, B. Baria, Akhaura, Comilla and Feni

Subarna Express


Turna Express Brahmanbaria, Comilla, Laksam, and Feni

Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule

Trains from Dhaka to Chittagong follow the time schedule of East Zone Railway. The detailed schedule of all the trains running on this route is given below. By this, you can easily understand which train leaves when. However, if you need to know about the DHAKA TO SYLHET TRAIN SCHEDULE Then You Can Follow This Article Here Also.

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Time

Time Train Name Off Day
07:00am Sonar Bangla Express Tuesday
07:45am MohanagarProvati Express None
01:00pm Chattala Express Tuesday
03:00pm Subarna Express Monday
09:00pm Mohanagar Express Sunday
11:30pm Turna Express None
11:10 pm Chittagong Mail None

Chittagong to Dhaka Train Time

Time Train Name Off Day
07:00am Subarna Express Monday
08:15am Chattala Express Tuesday
12:30pm Mohanagar Express Sunday
03:00pm MohanagarGodhuli Express None
05:00pm Sonar bangla Express Wednesday
11:00pm Turna Express None
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Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Price

A total of 7 trains including a mail train travel on Dhaka to Chittagong route. The fare of each train differs based on the seating facility. For your easy understanding and convenience, we will mention the list of train fare of each class in the table form. So let us take a look at the list of Dhaka to Chittagong train fare. Moreover, for your convenience, here is our another article of Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule And Ticket Price.

Chattala Express Seat Fare

  • Shovon = 175 TK.
  • First Class Seat = 450 TK.

Subarna Express Seat Fare

  • Shovon Chair = 380 TK.
  • Snigdha = 725 TK.

Mohanagar Express Seat Fare

  • Shovon Chair = 345 TK.
  • Snigdha = 656 TK.
  • AC Berth = 1229 TK.

Mohanagar Provati Seat Fare

  • Shovon Chair = 345 TK.
  • First Class Seat = 460 TK.
  • Ac Seat = 788 TK.
  • Snigdha = 656 TK.

Sonar Bangla Seat Fare

  • Shovon Chair = 600 TK.
  • First Class Seat = 800 TK.
  • Ac Seat = 1100 TK.
  • Snigdha = 1000 TK.

Turna Express Seat Fare

  • Shovon Chair = 345 TK.
  • Snigdha = 656 TK.
  • First Class Berth = 735 TK.
  • AC Berth = 1229 TK.

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Booking

Nowadays, it is very easy to book a train ticket of Dhaka to Chittagong route. You can book tickets from the counter. However, as everyone does not know the rules of the counter, so we are going to discuss how to book the ticket online. You can book train tickets online sitting at your home. For that, follow the steps below.

  1. First visit to this site:
  2. Then you have to open an account there. You can open an account in just 2 minutes by your phone number and email address. So, sign up immediately.
  3. Log in to the website.
  4. Click on the ‘Purchase Ticket’.
  5. Then a menu will come there. There, select the ‘Station from’ Dhaka or Chittagong. Select the date you like to visit. Select the ‘Station to’ Dhaka or Chittagong or any station name under this route where you want to get down from the train. Lastly, select your preferred seat and click on the search train. Then you can see the list of trains in a little while. Select your train seat as you like.
  6. After selecting the seat, you will be taken to the payment option. There you can pay through Rocket, Nexus card or Visa, Master card. Once the ticket confirmation is done, you will get a PDF file in your email. Now you are done with your ticket booking.
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Note: You can book 4 tickets from one ID. The seat will be available online before 72 hours.

The Last Words

We have written the schedule, fares, and even how to book a ticket of Dhaka to Chittagong route trains in details. Hopefully, there will be no hesitation related to the Dhaka to Chittagong Train schedule. The information we have provided above is 100% official.

Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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