
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Birthday – Father Of The Nation Of Bangladesh

The architect of Bangladesh is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He is called the Father of the Nation. He played a leading role in the liberation war movement. It can be said that our independence comes through his hands. If he was not born, the history of Bangladesh might have been written in a different way today. We would like to discuss today about Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Birthday and how he becomes the father of this nation. Now learn the exact information about the Father of the Nation.

Father Of The Nation Of Bangladesh

People of Bangladesh owe to Bangabandhu a lot. The lesson of the struggle he learned from his teenage age, he kept it till the last day of his life. The right to Bengalis, the freedom of people was his absolute demand. He was brave, fighting and intransigence in characteristic which he gained from the language movement of 1948. He did not distract for a moment from his those characteristics even during the 23 years rule of huge torture and oppression by West Pakistan.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Birthday

He did not care about money, power or death sentence. Nothing could stop Bangabandhu’s struggle to get the right of Bengalis. His patriotism, political wisdom, farsightedness, huge braveness, and organizational skills encouraged the people of Bangladesh for freedom. He struggled a lot for the nation to get the rights of people. In response to his call, a new nation named Bangladesh was established in the map of the world sacrificing the lives of three million people.

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The dreamer, the architect of this country is only one – he is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The people of Bangladesh respectfully announced him as the father of this nation. In this way, a child born in Tungipara was turned into the Father of the Nation and become the best person of thousands of years of Bengali history. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the father of the nation of Bangladesh.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Birth Anniversary

The Founder Of Bangladesh

The founder of Bangladesh is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangladesh achieved independence because of his good leadership. He had been active in politics since his early days. He was imprisoned in jail for talking about the freedom of people. He raised the 6 points demand. Because of his call, the people of the whole country jumped into the liberation war like the tiger. So the founder of Bangladesh is Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangabandhu was in politics for talking about people.

He spoke against oppression. So the Pakistani government has repeatedly thrown him into jail. But he could not restrain himself from raising his voice. Every time just after getting released from jail, he used to jump into the movement again. He united all the people of entire Bengal against the repression. For that, the government of Pakistan becomes afraid. At one stage, the war begins. Later, after nine months of the long war, Bangladesh gained independence.

Founder Of The Bangladesh

Who Is The Founder Of The Bangladesh Awami League?

The founder of Bangladesh Awami League is Majlum Jananeta Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani. He was the founding president of the party. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was jailed at that time and elected as joint secretary. Even though the party started its journey naming as Awami Muslim League, the word ‘Muslim’ was excluded from the 1955 council on non-communal sentiments.

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The new name was ‘East Pakistan Awami League’. After the independence, the party was named as ‘Bangladesh Awami League’. In 1953 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was elected as the general secretary of Awami League. He remained as the General Secretary for 13 years until 1966.

Founding Father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

When Did Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Born?

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born on 17th March 1920 in Tungipara village of Patgati union of Gopalganj subdivision of Faridpur district, under the Bengal province of the former Indian subcontinent. His father, Sheikh Lutfar Rahman, was a serestadar (who preserved the accounts of the court) of Gopalganj civil court and mother’s name was Sayera Khatun.


Sheikh Lutfar Rahman
Bangabandhu with his father Sheikh Lutfar Rahman

When Did Mujibur Rahman Die?

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman did not die normally. He was brutally murdered. On 15th August 1975, a group of perverse army members entered in his house of road number 32, Dhanmondi. At that time, they killed Bangabandhu along with his all family members one by one. Even the child of Bangabandhu named Sheikh Rasel was not spared from the hands of the killer.

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Sheikh Hasina, the senior daughter and Sheikh Rehana, the youngest daughter of Bangabandhu were out of the country and that is why they survived from that incident. Until his death, Bangabandhu remained in the President’s seat. Through his death, the beginning of military rule started in Bangladesh.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Picture

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Pic

Mujibur Rahman Pic

Sheikh Mujibur family
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with family

Sheikh Mujibur pic

Final Words

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is a bright star in the politics of Bangladesh. Because of his political wisdom and leadership, we got our freedom. If he did not have there for us, Bangladesh would not have been independent even today. Without him, the history of Bengal politics will remain incomplete. This great person’s birthday is on 17th March.

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Tanjila Zizji

Hi. I’m Tanjila and I love to travel. I had to write this ‘why I love travelling’ essay to try to express how much I love travel. I also write about International event & Holidays. I started this blog in 2018 to document my trip around the world.

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