Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2025

Though Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule is not that much important to know, it is good to know for the future. You will get the train almost every hour in this short route. Since it is a short route, so the trains can easily have up and down travel every day. Apart from that, this route is dedicated to Narayanganj only.
But there is the dissatisfaction among people of Narayanganj as they need to travel on commuter trains. There is no good seat available on the train. Those who are looking for Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule will have a great deal of information in our today’s review. It will include train list, time schedule, ticket fare, and everything. So let us take a look at the schedules and fares of all trains in Dhaka to Narayanganj route.
Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Time 2025
The trains on Dhaka to Narayanganj route run by the private sector. So the service of this route is much faster. Besides, trains are available very frequently. It is good to know the train schedule of this route. However, if you do not even know, you do not have to wait for more than 2 hours to get a train. You will get the Dhaka to Narayanganj trains every day in a week. Now let us come to know when the commuter trains leave Dhaka for Narayanganj from the below table.
Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule |
Time | Train Name | Off Day |
06:00 am | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
06:45 am | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
08:20 am | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
10:35 am | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
12:30 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
01:40 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
03:00 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
04:20 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
05:45 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
06:30 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
07:45 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
08:55 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
09:50 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
Narayanganj Railway Station Timetable
As there are several trains from Dhaka to Narayanganj, similarly, there are also several trains from Narayanganj to Dhaka. The number of train schedules for Narayanganj is the same as that of Dhaka. All the trains have up and down travel several times a day. Those trains left for Dhaka from Narayanganj railway station situated in Chashara, the center of Narayanganj city.

Now we are going to present the Narayanganj to Dhaka train schedule in details in front of you. So let us now know when those commuter trains leave Narayanganjstation for Dhaka.
Narayanganj to Dhaka Train Schedule |
Time | Train Name | Off Day |
07:00 am | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
07:55 am | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
09:20 am | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
12:15 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
01:40 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
02:45 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
04:20 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
05:20 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
06:45 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
07:50 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
08:45 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
10:05 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
10:50 pm | Narayanganj Commuter | No off day |
For your convenience, we are providing some other articles to you so that you can know the timetable of other trains when you need. Here are those article Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule, Mymensingh to Jamalpur Train Schedule, Chittagong to Sylhet Train Schedule.
Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Ticket Price
Wherever you get down from the Dhaka to Narayanganj train, the price of the ticket is the same. If you even travel 1 kilometer, you will also have to pay the full fare. There is no seat reservation system here. The ticket is distributed on the first come first serve basis. However, there are some seats reserved for women on every train. So to get the seat in the Dhaka to Narayanganj train, you will have to go to the station earlier. The list of ticket fares for the train of Dhaka to Narayanganj train is mentioned below.
Train name |
Ticket Fare |
Narayanganj Commuter 1 | 15 |
Narayanganj Commuter 2 | 15 |
Narayanganj Commuter 3 | 15 |
Narayanganj Commuter 4 | 15 |
Narayanganj Commuter 5 | 15 |
You can also read these articles to know the ticket fare of Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule, Dhaka to Noakhali Train Schedule, Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule, Banalata Express Train Schedule.
Final Verdict
You all have already got the full train schedule of Dhaka to Narayanganj. Hopefully, many of you will be benefited from this tutorial. The trains on the Dhaka to Narayonganj route are the only trains in the country which do not have to give side to other trains. This route is specially made for this route.